Wednesday 3 June 2015

ISWG - it's been a blast!

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It's June, it's Wednesday, it's time to be insecure... and to make my final IWSG post.

I've been thinking of leaving the group for several months now, but the time has finally come. First and foremost, I would like to thank Alex for the time and commitment he puts into this group. He's the most amazing blogger I've ever met. Through this group, my own blog has grown, and the number of people who regularly comment is greater than I ever imagined.

I will still be blogging, and I will always be around on the first Wednesday of the month, giving support and advice. So, I'm not going anywhere, and nothing will change apart from the fact you'll all have one less blog to read on IWSG day.

My reasons, in case you're wondering, fit neatly into a bullet-point list:

  • I have been talking about the same insecurities for the past few months - I'm bored of repeating myself, so I guess you're bored of hearing about them.
  • I keep forgetting to post. Luckily, I stopped by Alex's blog yesterday which reminded me, but the last two months have been written half-way through the day itself.
  • I struggle to get through visiting and commenting, and then feel guilty I'm not working on my WIP. It's becoming a challenge too far.
  • Wednesdays are pretty busy days - I either work or meet up with friends for lunch/coffee - so by the time I get to my blog it's after dinner and I've got 20 or so commenters to visit before I even begin.

So, that's that. See you next month...

Thank you for all the advice and support.
You guys are awesome!


  1. It's hard to keep up with everything sometimes and the first Wednesday always seems to sneak up on me too.

    1. You'd think it would be easier to keep track, wouldn't you? :-)

  2. You do what you need to do, Annalisa! No worries. :)

    1. You'll probably not even miss me. I'll still be popping up all over the place ;-)

  3. I'm sorry to hear you're pulling the plug, but I also totally understand. I set aside a ton of my writing time to participate in IWSG, and some months, I just don't have it. It's not that I don't love it, or the people, but I'm working a full time job and I have a kid and responsibilities and writing and editing--it's all just getting to be too much.

    I hope your recurring insecurity starts to ease up, but what I've found doing this is that you never seem to get over your insecurities. At best we sort of make non-aggression treaties with them.

    1. Lol, yes, and my treaty is tentative at best!

  4. I find it hard to keep up with things a lot of the time too. Don't you worry or apologize. We understand. :)

  5. You don't have to always write about your insecurities :) I'm plagued at times by an unusual amount of insecurity, but I like to share words of wisdom or writerly advice because it's a support group. DON'T LEAVE US!! Ha:) Okay, if you must, but I'll be back to your blog to check on you!

    1. I prefer to give advice on each individual blog, I'm not sure I have general words of wisdom. I'll definitely still be blogging and visiting :-)

  6. It is very demanding and I spend most of my time trying to reply to comments. Alex will understand.

    1. Yes, the replying and visiting takes a long time, which is why I'm only getting around to it two days later!

  7. Those are perfectly valid reasons, Annalisa. I struggle to keep up myself from time to time, and there was a five-month stretch during which I failed to post as part of the group. I am glad you'll still be offering encouragement to the rest of us, and I hope you get to finish your WIP soon.

    1. Thanks Michael, I hope so too. Although, I'm already going off on a tangent and thinking about a completely new idea.

  8. At least you'll still be around! Blogging in general is becoming harder and harder, so I completely understand your reasons for not posting on IWSG. Sometimes I think it's time to throw in the blogging towel all together, but I would miss it too much.

    1. I'd miss blogging to much to give it up too, Charity.

  9. I am having the same issues and hoping adding new topics to my blog will help. Good luck with the WIP, I know when finished it will be another amazing read.

    1. Unfortunately, the WIP is another slow-burner.

  10. I switched to giving advice or what's in my head. Do what's right for you without guilt. Will still pop in and be rooting for you.

    1. I'll still be posting, and probably sharing my insecurities too :-)

  11. I understand your reasons. I have struggled with a few of them too. But I will still stop by an encourage you if you need it. All the best with your new WIP.

  12. We'll miss you, but we understand. You have to do what works for you.

  13. Sorry to see you go but hope this gives you more time for writing!

    1. Well, that was the idea, but since this post I've taken procrastination to a whole new level. I'm incredibly proud of myself, and managed to read 2 books!

  14. Noooo, we'll miss you! I mean, yes, I understand completely since I'm faced with the same dilemmas. I hope your writing rocks on and you do what works best for you on your blog!

    1. Thanks Tyrean. Finding the right balance is proving difficult at the moment. But hopefully this decision will help.

  15. Hi Annalisa,

    I can understand what you mean. So much of things like this can be time-consuming and the balance has to bee what's right for you, my good friend.

    Gary :)

    1. Absolutely Gary. And I don't get half the number of visitors that you do!

  16. Good for you for making a decision that works for you. I'll still be glad to offer support if you need to get anything off your chest!

    1. Thanks Nick. I'll still need all the support I can get - my head is in a weird place at the moment.

  17. as long as you keep appearing in one form or another, I'll keep reading. (and you were never boring).

    1. You can't get rid of me Joanne, ever... (a little more menacing than I intended, to be honest, but hey-ho...)

  18. We'll miss you, but I understand why you need to leave. I hope you get a ton of writing done, and I see you around sometimes. :)

    1. Thanks Kim. I'll definitely still be popping up!

  19. Sorry to hear you're leaving the group, but I suppose some things have to go. There's only so much we can do with the time we have. Thanks for all the encouragement! Hope to still see you around and good luck with the writing.

    1. I'll still be around - I'll probably still be unofficially taking part, and definitely reading everyone's posts :-)

  20. I can't believe I've just seen this post now! I'm so sorry to hear you're leaving, I for one always love visiting your blog, but at the end of the day you have to make a decision about what's right for you :). Just let me know if you ever need anyone to vent to or share insecurities with :).
    And I can still lurk around your blog, so that's good ;). Good luck with your current WIP!

    1. Thanks Rachel. I'll still be posting, and probably splurging some insecurities every so often :-)


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