The lovely Lisa from
Diary of a Square Toothed Girl, has awarded me a Kreativ Blogger and One Lovely Blog Award . Thank you so much Lisa!
And Tara from
Tara Tyler Talks has passed me a Kreativ Blogger and The Versatile Blogger award in such a fantastic way, that I know I'm not going to come close, so I'm not going to try to be as
kreativ I'm just going to answer the questions that came from Lisa's awards. Sorry Tara!

I've had all of these awards before, but because I've recently gained a lot of new followers, I thought I'd accept them properly, and maybe even pass them on in the correct fashion too!
So, here goes: some questions, followed by - hopefully - ten random facts about myself.
What is your favorite song?
So hard, because I love music so much. I'll plump for Wetsuit by The Vaccines, as my
song of the day, although that's closely followed by Norgaard, also by The Vaccines. The fact that I'm currently listening to their album has in no way influenced my answers!
What is your favorite dessert?
Anything with chocolate in it. I've been known to select restaurants based solely on their dessert menu.
When you are upset, what do you do?
I go and sit in my bedroom. No, I'm not twelve, I just happen to have a really nice, peaceful bedroom. If it's a really bad day, I'll get into bed too!
What was your favorite pet?
I had a rabbit called Mufti when I was about 14. He lived in the house, in a two-storey hutch, and he followed us aound the house like a dog. He was a sickly rabbit, unfortunately, and didn't live as long as he should have :-(
What do you prefer to wear, black or white?
They are just colours that belong with other colours, so I don't even
have an opinion of them.
What is your biggest fear?
What is your attitude mostly?
I believe everything will turn out okay. It might be tough getting there, but we are all destined to have our needs met.
What is perfection to you?
Yesterday afternoon was pretty perfect - lunch by the sea, at a great pub, with Hubby, in the sunshine.
What is your guilty pleasure?
Meeting a friend for coffee, even though I've got enough housework to occupy an army, and I'm
still struggling to get words down on the page. Or having lunch with Hubby!
Ten Random Things about me:
- I'm not that interesting, so some of these may be repeats of the 'random facts' I shared last time.
- Sometimes I can't be bothered to get up, so I'll listen to the same CD on repeat all day.
- I love buying nail varnish - really bright colours - but only for my toes.
- I ran away from home when I was two. Mum gave me the bus fare, then had to chase me up the road to bring me back.
- I'm very bad at walking in high heels. I prefer trainers.
- I'm very bad at Scrabble. I play against Hubby, on our board or on Facebook, and he usually wins.
- I used to have a crush on one of the Cbeebies presenters (UK) - I was quite gutted when my kids outgrew the channel.
- I have five tattoos - and would definitely like more.
- I hate the process of being tattooed - I'm really not good with pain. I implement the breathing technique used during labour.
- I'm a very bad cook, and Hubby does most of it.
And I'm passing these awards on to the following people... (I'm selecting from my newbies, because I can't remember which of my ahem... oldies I've given them to in the past!) Feel free to choose which award you want.
(For info: All the awards started as 7 interesting/random facts, so I'm not sure where the questions deviation came from!)
Kate @
The Suddenly Kate Show
Lizy @
Elizabeth @
Use Your Words
I'd love to pass this award on to lots more people, but all that clicking and pasting makes my wrist hurt... (and yes, I
am aware that this is a lame excuse... many apologies!)
Please come back on Friday for Kyra Lennon's visit to my blog!