Wednesday 31 December 2014

Good riddance 2014

I've just had a look back to my Goodbye 2013... post. Wow, I had a really good 2013!

You can obviously see, from the title of this year's post, that 2014 wasn't as good. I even called it my nemesis year, on account of turning 40, but in the event, that was okay. I knew it would be, but I do like a bit of drama.

2014 wasn't all bad - we had a wonderful family holiday in Scotland...

 This photo was taken from the top of a mountain - yes! I actually climbed a mountain. You see that green patch in the middle of the photo? That's where we were staying.

And, below, was our final morning. I left Hubby to pack the car, and my sister-in-law and I took a last walk with the kids. A lovely memory for the long journey home!

And we had some really lovely weather over the summer - I caught a tan! Well, I could see I'd caught a tan, even though no one else could.

But on the whole it wasn't the best year. There were many struggles, and a lot of people I know were having very bad times too. I'm glad it's behind me.

Next year is going to be challenging - #1 son taking his GCSEs and starting college, #2 son starting secondary school, and Hubby away touring for longer than he's been away before.

Writing-wise, I decided to start my next book yesterday. It was going to be a rewrite - plus additions - to a previous manuscript, but I woke up yesterday morning with an idea for a sequel to the book I'm submitting at the moment. I know there's more story to tell - because a dream told me (obviously) - but at the moment I have no idea what. I'm just writing stuff in the hope that it'll all come together.

Actually, that's how most of my books get written, so really I'm just hoping that skill hasn't left me!

So, that was 2014, here's to 2015...

Have you made resolutions? Do you have goals?
Are you looking forward to something amazing?

Aren't you all just a little disappointed that the world doesn't look like this...?

Back to the Future II

Tuesday 23 December 2014

Merry Christmas

My tree!

This is my last post before Christmas, and possibly this year. So I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

2014 has been a challenge for many of my blogger, and real life, friends, so I hope 2015 treats you better.

Friday 19 December 2014


When I first started blogging, I was given a couple of blog awards, including the Liebster. At the time, it had a badge and probably required me to tell you several interesting facts about myself.

Today, I am honoured to have been tagged by Rena Rocford on her Doctor Faerie Godmother blog. Thank you, Rena, I love an excuse to talk about myself.

The Liebster seems to have evolved now, though, as all things do - and now I have questions to answer about my WIP... I hope you're ready!

I am going to tell you about the WIP I'm getting ready to query, The Book of Abe. This is probably the fifth title this book has had, but I think this is the one that will stick.

What is your WIP About?
The Book of Abe is about a narcissist who tries to convince people he is the second coming. He's essentially a con-man, but over time he starts to convince himself until he can't distinguish fact from fiction. He believes he has the key to solving all the world's problems - all the wars, poverty and natural disasters. There are several people who get caught up in his nightmare, including a man in a coma, a woman who doesn't speak, and a man who draws all over his body.

How long have you been working your WIP?
I started it in 2009/10, but put it on hold while my novellas were spruced up and published. I came back to it at the beginning of this summer and wrote THE END about a week ago.

Who is your MC?
The MC is Abe, the narcissist. He grew up with a smothering mother who probably loved him too much, and he thinks the world owes him everything. He has a unique gift of persuasion, to the downfall of everyone around him.

What are some of the themes you’re exploring?
I'm not good at exploring big themes, so - as always - I've focussed on what makes people who they are, what makes them different from other people. How long would people sit back and watch something happen, even if they knew it was wrong?

What song would represent your story or MC?
Absolutely no idea!

If you were casting your story as a movie, who would play your main character?
Ooh, I think Andrew Scott would be great - especially with the deep intensity he play Moriarty in BBC's Sherlock.

What is your favourite line in your WIP so far?
Back, way back, before the internet changed the way we shop for bargains, before mobile phones replaced red phone boxes on every street corner, before Marathons became Snickers, a child was born.

This is the line that introduces Abe. I like it because it comes at the start of Part 2, and changes the whole feel of the book.

If your MC were to have a pet, what would it be?
A snake, maybe. Or a white fluffy cat that he could stroke in a Bond villain kind of way.

When do you think your WIP will be done?
It's finished right now. I'm currently waiting for one lovely lady to read it, and I'm writing the synopsis - it may take me longer than the book itself :-(

Who is your favourite side character in your WIP and why?
Elizabeth is a woman who doesn't speak. When she gets overwhelmed, she disappears into the walls (actually or metaphorically, you decide!), and she has a very special connection with Max - the guy in a coma - that she doesn't really understand. The other characters give her a back story - because she won't talk to them and tell them who she is - which is truly heartbreaking. I cried when I wrote it.

What’s your MC’s favorite food?
If Abe could live off whiskey, he would. In fact there is a part of the book where he tries to do just that. It doesn't end well - for him, for Elizabeth and the guy in the coma, for anyone at all, really.

And now I'm going to tag a few people... (and - because I'm being lazy - I'm going to copy Rena's lead and ask the taggees to answer the same questions that I did. Rena was tagged by Sarah Ahiers, so these are, by rights, her questions so I'm linking back to her too.)

Murees Dupe
M.J Joachim
Rebecca Bradley

Thursday 11 December 2014

News, and cheesy Christmas music

It's December. I am not ready for December. I'm sitting here, amongst the Christmas decorations that Hubby put up last night while I was out at work, and I'm still not feeling it. I even went present shopping this morning, and - nah, nothing...

The problem is it's too early for Christmas/December/winter. It was such a long, hot summer, I haven't really accepted autumn yet (fall, for my American friends).

On Facebook the other day, I mentioned Boney M, and several people said they'd never heard of them. So, here there are, in all their Christmas cheesiness...

In other news, I finished my novel. A couple of people are reading it at the moment - so I have my fingers crossed. I'm hoping to submit it to an agent - yes, I actually wrote a proper novel that an agent might consider. This is huge for me, seeing as though I have a habit of taking novel length manuscripts and cutting them down to novellas.

I'm also considering re-writing my 1998 novel Pictures, Fading. Note the use of the comma - I did that way before Love, Actually and Girl, Interrupted ;-) Hubby read it, many years ago, and has several hundred ideas on how to improve it - I still have the email! Although if I implement all the ideas, I'm sure he'd want double billing!

I got a rejection last month. I've always referred to this particular book as the most depressing novel in the world... ever, so I guess I shouldn't have been surprised that their reason was it is 'relentlessly bleak'. I'd spent time re-writing it, taking out the most depressing parts, and yet it still, apparently, is. Ah well. I still stand by the story, so obviously that publisher just wasn't a good fit. Back to the drawing board.

That's all my news, but I'm racking my brains to come up with something positive to end on. Oh, yes - my shifts at work are changing (again) which means I'll now have a whole Tuesday and Wednesday once a fortnight where I won't have to leave the house at all. Now that's what I call a pyjama day :-) Is that the kind of thing you were expecting?

Wednesday 3 December 2014

IWSG - Not quite a book review, but close

It's the last IWSG meeting of the year - time to share our problems and worries, and help others in turn. The list of participants is right here.

This month I am insecure about something I read, rather than something I wrote.

The book in question - A Girl is a Half-Formed Thing, by Eimear McBride - has mixed reviews on Goodreads, but has won several literary awards. It is experimental, in style; although I've never really understood what that term means in terms of fiction, because I've never really found anything I would consider truly experimental - they usually have words and sentences, a plot, some characters... So far, so normal.

However, just the first page or two, had me wondering whether I'd actually forgotten how to read! The sentences are half-formed, let alone the girl. I read every paragraph a couple of times, getting the drift of what the author was saying but not really understanding it. For example:

"I know. The thing wrong. It’s a. It is called. Nosebleeds, head aches . Where you can’t hold. Fall mugs and dinner plates she says clear up."
McBride, Eimear (2014-04-07). A Girl Is a Half-formed Thing (p. 1). Faber & Faber. Kindle Edition

I have never before read something that made me feel stupid. And I don't think I want to ever again. I actually gave up on the book on the second page - something that I try never to do.

So, does this make it experimental? Hmm, not sure. I don't think this novel has helped me decide what experimental fiction really is. I can understand that stream-of-consciousness can be seen as such, but I think it should be more than that. And surely since fiction has existed for thousands of years, there's no new way of telling a story that someone hasn't done at some point.

(Slightly off-topic, because it's been bugging me - I usually think in whole sentences. I have never thought It's a. Have you?)

The good reviews on Goodreads call it impressive, intelligent and accomplished. So, because I just don't get this book, does that mean I'm none of the above? Am I missing out? What does it say about my own writing - am I too simple, too basic?

Have you read this book? Did you enjoy it?
Have you ever read a book that made you feel stupid?
Can you explain experimental to me?

Wednesday 26 November 2014


I am editing my latest novel on my Kindle, which is still something I remember (ie. see daily when I watch the reruns) being featured regularly on Star Trek:The Next Generation.

It's amazing. I'm actually living in the future!

Silver reed 2600CR 01Especially considering that I began writing on my mum's electric typewriter. I particularly hated this piece of equipment because I'm a terrible typist and made so many errors. Even now, the backspace key is the most used on my keyboard.

The makers of Tipp-Ex were probably devastated when I move to a word processor and no longer needed to buy in bulk.


The height of technology in the library I worked in was the microfiche. (For those too young to remember them, this is what Google looked like in the 1980s.)

They were cumbersome and always made me dizzy when I used it - the articles scrolled ridiculously fast unless you had a very steady hand.

And yet, now, if I have a query, I just type it into Google (other search engines are available!) and the answer is there, in my own home, without the need to changed out of my PJs or anything.

I admit, I really don't belong in this century - I'm constantly in awe at the minds that have come up with all of this stuff.

What great pieces of technology from the past do you miss?
Or, indeed, which pieces are you glad you don't have to use any more?

Monday 24 November 2014

Introducing Markie Madden

Please welcome Marguerite 'Markie' Madden to my blog. Markie is a diverse writer, and it's a pleasure to feature her today.

Markie, when did you first realise you were a writer?
I first remember writing creatively in grade school, maybe 4th or 5th grade. My teacher would come around and draw a squiggle on out notebook. The assignment was to use the squiggle to make a finished drawing and then write a story about it. 

You've written three very different books, how did they come about?

I never intended to write any non-fiction at all. But half a lifetime of living around supposedly knowledgeable horse people (whose animals often suffered neglect) inspired me to write Keeping a Backyard Horse. There are plenty of horse care books out there, sure. I even own quite a few. But the average horse owner, one who keeps their horse as a pet and for light riding, doesn't need to know how to breed horses or deliver a foal. So I wrote a very simple guide with very little terminology (and what's there is included in the glossary) that can be understood by most people. And my battle with cancer inspired me to write my memoir and my path to self-publishing, as a way of inspiring others with cancer and letting them know it's not the end of the line.

Do you prefer writing fiction or non-fiction?

I'd have to say I prefer writing fiction, though my two non-fiction books were rather easy, as I didn't have to research them heavily.

Do you have a typical writing day?

Since I'm still recovering from cancer, I don't have a typical day. I still have good days and bad days. Usually, I watch reruns of Supernatural and Bones on television every morning. I spend a lot of time on social media, marketing. I write when I feel like it, rather than forcing myself to. I avoid writer's block that way. Often, I'm still awake late into the night. I get more done when the house is quiet.

Do you have any rituals/special pens/certain music to get you into the writing mood?

I don't have any specific rituals for writing, actually! Although I do have a small plush horse a crafty friend in England sent to me. I met her in an online support group called MDJunction. Anyway, his name is Olaf, and he sits where he can watch me write. I think he's good karma.

Once you've finished writing for the day, how do you relax?

I don't really have to relax after writing, because I enjoy it so. But as a recent cancer survivor and a sufferer of fibromyalgia, I'm a hopeless insomniac. Sometimes my brain just won't shut up so I can sleep. Often, I use guided meditation MP3s on my phone to lull me to sleep.

Who are your favourite authors?

My favourite authors are Nora Roberts and her other self J.D. Robb, Patricia Cornwell, Kay Hooper, J.K. Rowling.

What are you working on at the moment?
I'm currently working on Triple Heist, a crime novel, and book one of a series called the Undead Unit, called Fang and Claw. Triple Heist involves Allison, head of security for the Federal Reserve bank, and her plans to rob millions from the facility. Fang and Claw takes place in a future time where creatures such as vampires, werewolves and zombies live and work among humans. Lacey is a detective with the Dallas police department, and has just been put in charge of an elite squad charged with investigating crimes involving the Undead. I hope to have Triple Heist ready for release next summer, Fang and Claw by next December. And I'm working on getting my books into audio format. My Butterfly Cancer should be ready for release next month.

Where to find Markie:

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Maggie Tideswell: I love the paranormal romance genre!

I'm taking part in a blog swap with author Maggie Tideswell today. She's here and I'm there. I hope she finds the chocolate cake I left out for her!

Take it away, Maggie, tell me, why do you love the paranormal romance genre??

Maggie Tideswell, author of
Paranormal Romance

Let’s face it, love really is all around us. Even when you read a murder mystery or a horror novel, there are romantic elements in it, because people fall in love. Even in the most unexpected or dangerous situations, people find each other. It is human nature.

What fascinates me about romance is firstly what characteristics attract people to each other enough to fall in love and secondly, what traits keep them in love for a lifetime when one in three relationships fail. This is a throw-back from studying psychology at university.

People want to be scared. Fright gets the primitive fight or flight response going. And that is where the paranormal comes in. When I say paranormal, I don’t mean zombies and vampires. Creatures with tentacles and many teeth also don’t interest me. Those are not scary and only have entertainment value as far as I am concerned. Don’t get me wrong, I am not putting authors of those genres down, all I’m saying is that those elements are not what I write about. I am interested in what isn’t visible to the eye, things that go bump in the night, ‘nothing is as it seems’, and witches getting up to mischief or doing genuine work to help. And ghosts, of course.

We all have those creepy little experiences of something moving just at the edge of vision and when you look, there is nothing there. Or the sound we hear for which there are no logical explanations. And who of us haven’t know what was going to happen next or what somebody was going to say before it actually happened? This is what is termed deja-vu.

People are not always what they seem. It is a known fact that people represent themselves in the best light and what they show to the world is only the tip of the iceberg of their personality. I like to say people wear ‘masks’ to hide their true selves from others, for reasons of their own.

But my biggest interest is ghosts and why some people seem to get stuck on the earthbound plane after death. I even joined a paranormal investigation group, but I am yet to come face to face with a ghost I could have a conversation with. I have been told I look too hard and that was why I am unlikely to see a ghost, but I do experience them. On one occasion I had fallen asleep on the couch and I startled awake with the distinct feeling that somebody was leaning over me. There was nobody there, but the room had been freezing. It was the middle of summer.

Romance in combination with the paranormal is what I write. Instead of placing my characters in mortal danger of burning buildings, an erratic gunman or in the path of a tidal wave, I scare them with what they cannot see.

I have two paranormal romance novels in print, both published by All Things That Matter Press, a small press in Maine, USA.

My debut novel, Dark Moon came out in 2011. Chance meetings can have far-reaching effects. Loved ones may not be who they seem. The line between comprehension and confusion is thin, particularly when one’s thoughts are being manipulated by another.

My second published novel, Moragh, Holly’s Ghost (2013) is, well, a ghost story. A marriage of convenience, helpful fey friends, a custody battle that cannot be won and a haunting - could love blossom?

Still to come is Roxanne’s Ghost, Poppet Nicole, which is the sequel to Moragh, Holly’s Ghost, and a story set on one of the Portuguese islands off the coast of Africa called Bazaruto, titled Adorable Crook.

As I was born in South Africa and still live here, I like to set my stories in South Africa, in and around Cape Town to be specific. South Africa is a country of breathtaking natural beauty, diverse population and many unexplored ghosts.

Find Maggie on her blog Wonderful Words, on Amazon and on Twitter.

Sunday 16 November 2014

National Short Story Week 17th - 23rd November

Tomorrow marks the start of National Short Story Week in the UK (and possibly the US, although I think they have a different date).

On my other blog, I've shared some of my favourite short story writers - although, if you've been following me for any length of time, you won't be surprised by my choices!

But, here, because most of you are writers, I wondered how many of you write short stories, or thought about writing them, or hate them or love them... You get the idea - I want to know how you feel about short stories...

It's over to you...

PS. Shameless plug for my own short story collection, That Sadie Thing, "An amazing collection of short stories that will stick with you long after you've finished reading them" ( review).

Tell your friends!

Monday 10 November 2014

Nobody Knows by Kyra Lennon - a review

Nobodyknowsebook(1)I don't often post reviews of books on my blog. But when someone as fantastic as Kyra Lennon asks me, I can't say no. She has been very active, launching this book, with Facebook parties and takeovers, and you'll probably have seen her book on many blogs over the past week.

I have always loved Kyra Lennon's voice - from the very first time I read her blog during the A-Z Challenge in 2012. She has an amazing way of putting you right in the middle of the story so that you really feel part of that world.

It makes the book unputdownable, And Nobody Knows is no exception, 

Ellie, Drew and Jason are childhood friends, all on the cusp of great career success, but the dynamics are changing, Brothers are falling apart, hidden feelings are rising to the surface.

Now, I've read this book before (during the beta stage), so technically, nothing should have been a surprise, but from about half-way through, I was holding my breath. The challenges that the three main characters have to overcome seem too vast to be conquered. You have to keep reading - because Kyra knows exactly how and when to end a chapter so you can't possibly close the book and go to sleep... No, you end up switching the light back on and reading some more!

Oh, and there was a tear or two. In fact, the line that got me started was: "Come here." Jason reached out to me. I kept a handkerchief close by from then on.

The story is, in turns, uplifting and heartbreaking, and plays on every girl's dream of hanging out with the band. 

Author Bio:
Kyra is a self-confessed book-a-holic, and has been since she first learned to read. When she's not reading, you'll usually find her hanging out in coffee shops with her trusty laptop and/or her friends, or girling it up at the nearest shopping mall.
Kyra grew up on the South Coast of England and refuses to move away from the seaside which provides massive inspiration for her novels. Her debut novel, Game On (New Adult Contemporary Romance), was released in July 2012, and she scored her first Amazon Top 20 listing with her New Adult novella, If I Let You Go.

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Amazon | Goodreads

Also (as if that isn't enough):
Kyra has compiled an anthology - with proceeds going to the Cat's Protection League - of cat-based stories (fiction and non-fiction). The anthology contains many bloggers you'll know - you might even be in it! Anyway, here's the link to buy it on Amazon UK

Wednesday 5 November 2014

IWSG - Waiting for the right words

It's the November installment of the Insecure Writer's Support Group where us writers get together to share our insecurities and give advise to others. Check out the sign up/visiting list here!

I'm a bit late with this today. I've not had much time at my laptop this week - shopping (necessary rather than exciting), working and spending most of Monday in bed with some kind of lurgy.

This month I am trying to re-write my latest novel. It should have been an easy task, but then I hit a chapter that just doesn't flow. I need that chapter, but it needs to be completely scratched and re-started and I have no idea how to do it. I can't move on until I've got this bit sorted because the bit that comes next will highly depend on what happens in this bit.

I'm not expecting help with this - it's probably a wait and find inspiration in a random place, kind of deal - but a box of chocolates and a glass of wine wouldn't go wasted...

~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

On a slightly different note,

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Our Beautiful Child by Annalisa Crawford

Our Beautiful Child

by Annalisa Crawford

Giveaway ends November 12, 2014.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter to win

Monday 3 November 2014

Kyra Lennon's Nobody Knows, available now!

Who-hoo, it's here!! Congratulations to Kyra Lennon on the release of her book Nobody Knows! It's awesome! Check back here this time next week for a review.


Nobodyknowsebook(1) Title:Nobody Knows (Razes Hell Book 1)
Author: Kyra Lennon
Genre: NA Contemporary Romance
Cover Design: Najila Qamber Design
Photographer: Lindee Robinson Photography

It's not easy being friends with rising rock stars - especially when you're the glue that holds them together.
Razes Hell has taken off in the charts, and Ellie can't believe her childhood friends, Drew and Jason Brooks, are on TV and drawing crowds after years spent playing in dodgy bars. From obscurity to overnight success, Ellie soon realises life in the public eye isn’t all it’s cracked up to be as dark secrets become headline news and old conflicts are re-ignited. When a fake feud meant to boost the band’s popularity threatens to rip the boys apart for real, Ellie finds herself torn – a position which only gets more uncomfortable when her loyalty to Jason collides with her blossoming relationship with Drew.
Nobody knows how deep their issues run; nobody but Ellie. With friendship, a music career and a new love on the line, can Ellie keep their tangled pasts from ruining their futures?

Pre-order links: AMAZON | AMAZON UK



No Body Knows Teaser2

No Body Knows Teaser


Author Bio:
Kyra is a self-confessed book-a-holic, and has been since she first learned to read. When she's not reading, you'll usually find her hanging out in coffee shops with her trusty laptop and/or her friends, or girling it up at the nearest shopping mall.
Kyra grew up on the South Coast of England and refuses to move away from the seaside which provides massive inspiration for her novels. Her debut novel, Game On (New Adult Contemporary Romance), was released in July 2012, and she scored her first Amazon Top 20 listing with her New Adult novella, If I Let You Go.
Release Day Party on Kyra's Author FB Page

Release Party - Friday November 7th - Hosts TBA

::: Facebook Event :::
Hosted By:

Monday 27 October 2014

Can you read this post in "30 Seconds"??

Chrys Fey is on a mammoth blog tour to celebrate the launch of her book 30 Seconds, and it's my pleasure to host her today.

When Officer Blake Herro agreed to go undercover in the Mob, he thought he understood the risks. But he's made mistakes and now an innocent woman has become their target. He's determined to protect her at all costs.

The Mob's death threat turns Dr. Dani Hart's life upside down, but there is one danger she doesn’t anticipate. As she's dodging bullets, she's falling in love with Blake. With danger all around them, will she and Blake survive and have a happy ending, or will the Mob make good on their threat?


Welcome to my blog, Chrys, I'll start with the obvious question, where did the Mob idea come from?
I got the idea for this story seven years ago. Wow! It doesn’t seem that long ago but it was, and I can’t quite recall how the Mob made it into my story, but I know I wanted the hero, Blake Herro, to protect a woman from dangerous criminals. Somehow Red, the Mob boss, and his cruel followers evaded my brain. Maybe it’s safer that I don’t remember...

What kind of research did you need to do?             
I always preach the importance of research, but I didn’t have to do all that much. I took my experience from having spine surgery and applied that to the hospital scenes. As for the police officer parts, I wanted to be a cop when I was growing up and I’ve always had a sixth sense about police work. Now the Mob...well, I cannot reveal whether or not I went undercover like Blake. *wink*

From cop to writer? What made you start writing?
I actually always knew I'd be a writer from the time I was six when I'd watch my mom write and illustrate children's books for me and my siblings. When I was twelve, I started writing a series. Writing was always my dream, but when I was in high school I wanted to be a police officer on top of it. I was ambitious. 

On your blog, you mention listening to Adele and Alanis Morrisette while writing your first book, Hurricane Crimes. What music influenced 30 Seconds?
Thirty Seconds to Mars, my favourite band, was the biggest influence and the inspiration behind the title. I listened to their song “Attack” on repeat while writing an exciting scene when Dani, the heroine, runs from the Mob.

Tell me about your writing day...
I always start the day by checking my emails, blog, and social media. Once I get all of that out of the way, I settle into writing one of my current works-in-progress. The best time for my writing is after dinner and I write until I hit the sack.

After all that writing, what's your favourite way to relax?
I like to lounge on the couch and watch my favourite TV shows: Scandal, Once Upon a Time, Revenge. I also love to take walks while the sun is setting, which I try to do every day. It’s a great way to clear my mind and release stress.

Which books could you read over and over?
- The Young Wizard series by Diane Duane
- Chill Factor by Sandra Brown
- After the Night by Linda Howard                                            

What are you working on next?
Right now I am working on the sequel to Hurricane Crimes, which I hope to release at the end of 2015. Down the road, I have a prequel planned for readers who enjoy 30 Seconds. I am also looking into publishing two paranormal short stories in the spring of 2015. One is about a witch and the other is about a ghost. 

Thanks for visiting, Chrys, and good luck with 30 Seconds.

Chrys Fey is a lover of rock music just like Dani Hart in 30 Seconds. Whenever she's writing at her desk, headphones are always emitting the sounds of her musical muses -especially that of her favorite band, 30 Seconds to Mars, the inspiration behind the title.
30 Seconds is her second eBook with The Wild Rose Press. Her debut, Hurricane Crimes, is also available on Amazon.

Discover her writing tips on her blog, and connect with her on Facebook. She loves to get to know her readers!

Author Links:

Friday 24 October 2014

And relax...

There's nothing quite like decorating to annoy/infuriate/make you want to leave home and never pick up a paintbrush again... but there's also nothing quite like sitting down in your brand new room and feeling calm and relaxed.

My living room used to be yellow, and now it's blue. I'm sure writing in this new room will inspire me - it's been yellow for a very long time, and change was well overdue. There are some pictures to put up, and a new sofa to buy early next year, but apart from it's all done!

It gave me a good excuse reason to reorganise all my writing folders that have been stacked up in my bedroom for weeks. I probably don't need so much paper any more (two versions of the book I'm working on at the moment??) but I really can't bring myself to throw it all away. Sometimes there will be a gem of an idea scribbled in the margin, or a beautiful phrase that didn't make the final cut but will be perfect in another piece.

Last week, before we picked up our paintbrushes, I was really getting into that current ms. I've had it on ice since February, and as I started rewriting, I found a few inaccuracies that I needed to straighten out and a few character traits that didn't ring true. All written out and replaced with something more believable. I can only imagine what I'll find in the next two-thirds of the book. And I can't wait.

I've also got a great short story bubbling away in the back of my mind, but no idea how to start it or how to write it. Should be interesting!

What was your last decorating project?
Do you still use more paper than strictly necessary?

Friday 10 October 2014

Always check before you submit!

Luckily, I did check... but what I almost did was submit a novel without making the final changes. I still had all the 'track changes' mark-ups intact. Oops.

In February, I sent my novel out to three wonderful ladies, who said my novel was great and made several very good suggestions for improvement. I incorporated the changes, using 'track changes' so I could un-change them later if I thought of an even better idea. Then I put the doc to one side and got on with lots of other stuff.

And completely forgot about it until this week when I decided I should submit it. At first I thought it was a few easy 'accept change' issues, but then I got to a part where a character arc needed to be clarified - going right back to his introduction, I think. So now I'm heavily into revision mode.

(You'll note I'm finally using the word novel... It's 50,600 words - which is very, very long for me. I just hope I don't revise too much and bring the word count down too far.)

I did manage to submit another piece though, which came back a day later saying 'D'oh, check our guidelines, we don't do this!' - which would have been fair enough, if I hadn't tweeted them to check the very thing they complained I hadn't checked. I was a little bit annoyed, so I immediately sent it out again - at about 11pm last night. I'm not entirely sure I do my best work at 11pm, so I'll just have to see what happens.

Have you ever made/almost made silly submission errors?

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Nobody Knows by Kyra Lennon

And today, it's Kyra's turn - she's revealing the cover for her new book Nobody Knows, and it's a cracker! I've had a sneak peek at this book, and Kyra's style is getting more and more distinctive. Mark the date of the release in your diary.

Kyra Lennon's Nobody Knows Ebook Cover

Kyra Lennon's Nobody Knows CR Banner

Book Info

Title: Nobody Knows

Author: Kyra Lennon

Genre: NA Romance

Type: First in Series (Razes Hell Book 1)

Cover Design: Najila Qamber Design

Photographer: Lindee Robinson Photography

Release Date: November 3rd 2014


Book Jacket
Kyra Lennon's Nobody Knows Book Jacket


It's not easy being friends with rising rock stars - especially when you're the glue that holds them together.

Razes Hell has taken off in the charts, and Ellie can't believe her childhood friends, Drew and Jason Brooks, are on TV and drawing crowds after years spent playing in dodgy bars. From obscurity to overnight success, Ellie soon realises life in the public eye isn’t all it’s cracked up to be as dark secrets become headline news and old conflicts are re-ignited. When a fake feud meant to boost the band’s popularity threatens to rip the boys apart for real, Ellie finds herself torn – a position which only gets more uncomfortable when her loyalty to Jason collides with her blossoming relationship with Drew.

Nobody knows how deep their issues run; nobody but Ellie. With friendship, a music career and a new love on the line, can Ellie keep their tangled pasts from ruining their futures?

Pre-Order Links

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Meet Kyra Lennon

Kyra LennonKyra is a self-confessed book-a-holic, and has been since she first learned to read. When she's not reading, you'll usually find her hanging out in coffee shops with her trusty laptop and/or her friends, or girling it up at the nearest shopping mall.

Kyra grew up on the South Coast of England and refuses to move away from the seaside which provides massive inspiration for her novels. Her debut novel, Game On (New Adult Contemporary Romance), was released in July 2012, and she scored her first Amazon Top 20 listing with her New Adult novella, If I Let You Go in November.

Follow Kyra Lennon

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