I'm writing this on Sunday, because I'm away for a couple of days with my sister. I'm really looking forward to spending time beside the sea, and writing. So, by the time you read this post, and I get home and start reading your posts, I probably won't be feeling insecure at all... unless I get blocked while I'm away, of course...

But today - Sunday - I am wondering whether self-publishing was the right way for me to go. At the time it seemed perfect for
That Sadie Thing, a collection of stories that had been lurking between the pages of unread literary journals, for years in some cases. But now, looking at the figures with somewhat obsessive compulsion, I note that sales are not as good as I was hoping. The easiest solution to this is to
not check those stats. I know, I know... but in reality, not so easy for me!
Part of the problem is my lack of marketing, which is almost a conscious decision. I gloss over the blatant marketing of other self-publishers because if I haven't bought their book the first ten times they told me about it, it's unlikely I will at all. I do not want to be the person who gets unfollowed because they only ever talk about their book. I do not want to be the person who is hidden from your Facebook feed so you don't get pestered to buy, buy, buy.
I want to be rounded and witty and informative, because that's what I look for in the people I like and follow and friend. I'd quite like to be the writer who's featured on the Guardian's book pages because I'm an overnight sensation (highly unlikely, but a girl can dream), or earns enough to pay tax on! And I'm dying to be sat on a bus and see at least two people reading my latest properly-in-print book.
Perhaps, in light of those wishes,
That Sadie Thing will be my first and only venture into self-publishing. My dreams and the reality are at odds with each other.
What about you? Traditional, indie or self-published?
Happy or regretting the decision?
What are your plans for your next book?