Saturday 27 September 2014

This writer is writing

Blogging has been lower down my priority list for a while now, which you'll know if you've stopped here recently. With every post, I seem to be making excuses giving reasons for my lack of interaction. And when I do post/enter a blogfest, I have a really hard time getting round to all the commenters.

Please just know, I love you and your blogs, it's nothing personal, it's me trying to write while the dog rests his head on my keyboard - looking pitiful - and hits me in the face with whichever toy he wants to play with next. Often, I've resorted to typing left-handed while playing tuggy with the other.

I've finished polishing the flash fiction I started a couple of months ago, and with help (thanks Kyra Lennon) weeded out the weak links. This means the collection is a little short for purpose - I'm planning to enter it into the Vine Leaves Literary Journal competition - so I'll be writing some more over the coming days and polishing those too.

I should be thinking about my next longer work, but at the moment I have nothing. I've got a 'novel' that I could play around with, but I don't really have an overall story to link together the short periods of genius (lol). 

Tomorrow, after work, I'm off to listen to Hubby playing an afternoon gig in a pub, and I'll be taking my notebook to write. Music and cider... what a great way to write!

On a different note, Our Beautiful Child has been available for almost four months. Have you read it? Did you like/dislike it? Would you consider leaving a review on Amazon or Goodreads? Thank you!

What's your best marketing tip for me?
What's your favourite way to write?


  1. Hey, you know how long I go in between books because I have nothing. Don't stress it.
    It's all a balance. And if you're not having fun doing something or it's a chore, time to think about why you're doing it. Or find another reason to get excited about it, maybe by remembering why you began in the first place.

    1. I'm not too stressed, but I know I've got something interesting lurking deep down in my sub-conscious... I just can't quite reach it at the moment. I've got the most amazing opening, I want to use it! :-)

  2. I envy you. I'd like to abandon 90% of my social media and blogging, plus the housework and cooking, leaving only writing and reviewing for my CP group. Alas, it's not to be. Without bloggy buddies, I wouldn't have sold any books. But I'm totally on your side. Write on, lovely lady!! :)

    1. I love my blog to much to give up, and - like you - my books sell because of my blog. How wonderful would it be to have a cleaner, and a cook, and a butler to bring you cocktails on demand.

  3. I'm sure you'll hear this a lot, but real life comes first. I firmly believe that. IF you have time, we love seeing you around the blogosphere, but totally understand if you have other things going on. Best of luck on your entry, as well :)

    1. Thanks Mark. I love entering competitions, right up until that moment when I get the emailed short list and I'm not on it...

  4. I've found I've been dipping in and out of my blog more the last few weeks. Sometimes there isn't enough time in the day! It's lovely to hear from my blog buddies whenever they can make it. Good news on your flash fiction and hope you enjoy the afternoon gig and cider!

    1. Gig and cider was lovely, thank you. Great weather, just a little chilly when the sun disappeared behind some trees, and managed one and a half flashes :-)

  5. Hi Annalisa - hope you enjoy the gig and being out and about with friends listening to hubby play his music ... the muse will return ... and yes - good luck with your Vine Leaves entry .. cheers Hilary

    1. The muse had a great time today, Hilary, flexing her little chubby fingers :-)

  6. I'd love to read more of your flash fiction when it's ready! :D

  7. I pulled back so I could writer, because with everything else I do (I'm self-employed and it's a long list) I can't blog often and write at the same time. I can type while petting cat on my lap at the same time.

    1. Animals have a way of squirming their way between your fingers and the keyboard, don't they?

  8. I play a lot of tug with my Rottweiler while trying to write. So much I ended up with chronic inflammation in my rotator cuff.

    1. Ouch! I'll make sure I'm a lot more careful from now on... Standing-up tuggy is best - it tires us BOTH out :-)

  9. I'm so similar to you... I'l pulled back on social media as it's the only way I can put more time into writing... but occasionally I post a blog. Wish I had more time:)

    1. But, conversely, isn't it brilliant to get lost in your writing without thinking you ought to be returning comments and visiting blogs?

  10. I can't tell you how many times I have to type with one hand because my cat has insisted my right hand must be petting her spoiled little fat self at all times in order for her to be happy. LOL What we don't do for our pets.

    I have only my one blog, and don't do any other social media, and still I am challenged at getting around and commenting to everyone I'd like to. There are never enough hours in the day....

    1. My cat is slowly getting back into the flow of family life, after being traumatised my the dog's arrival 4 months ago. Earlier today I had the cat on one arm, and every time the I tried to type with the other hand, the dog would push in asking for a stroke!

  11. I need to find that balance between social media and writing too. It's hard because I feel guilty when I ignore either one. My favorite way to write is in a quiet house, preferably with rain lightly falling or the wind blowing. :)

    1. Oh yes, light rain has a lovely sound to it, gently pattering on the window.

  12. I'll scale down to one or two posts a week, instead of the usual three, if I'm busy. Sometimes I'm very quiet on Twitter and Instagram, too. I barely use Facebook anymore. The day job and writing call my name. My cats like to interrupt my writing.

    1. I love Facebook too much to scale that back, but I go in phases with Twitter. So far, I've completely avoided Instagram - I really don't need any more distractions :-)

  13. Congrats for finishing your flash fiction. Love your cover of Beautiful Child.


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