Monday 14 April 2014

40 - argh! - PK Hzero

In honour of my birthday, I decided to invite some fabulous bloggers to help me celebrate.
Their task? To create a post with the theme 40. Today's guest is PK Hzero...

On Turning 40

Big thanks to Annalisa for having me here today. She’s especially fortunate to have my expertise on this subject, since I’ve been 40 now for almost four whole months.

Yes, wise in the ways of forty-something. That’s me. When I stop and dwell on the fact I actually made it to forty I find myself slightly baffled. There were days in my twenties when I never thought I’d make it. Life was a bullet train to everywhere I wasn’t supposed to be going, and I had nothing but a bunch of one-way tickets.

Yet, here I am. I leapt over the hurdles, foraged through the obstacles, and lived to tell about it. That’s what 40 is for me. Not just a big ‘ol scary number that means my metabolism is about to drop and age lines show up. It’s a badge of honor. Of accomplishment. Of wiping a hand across the forehead with an audible phew! It’s the middle of the road, and here is where things happen. Life starts making sense, and we finally (thank God!) know who we are.

My mom gave me a card for my fortieth that sums it up perfectly. So here’s to you Annalisa on your fortieth! I’m hoping these words make as much sense to you as they did to me at this life milestone:

40 is the beginning of everything that matters.It’s when you start to be respected in the world, make an impact, and get listened to.
It’s when you let go of everything fake and pursue what’s important to you for real.It’s when you realize that knowing what you know,you wouldn’t go back.
40 is when you deserve to celebrate yourself and take pride in your strengths without apologizing.So celebrate today—where you are right now.You deserve it.

About PK...
PK Hrezo is the author of the new adult novel, Butterman (Time) Travel, Inc. and writes YA and NA spec fiction, among other things. She can be found at any of her various web haunts, and loves doing guest blog posts, so if you’re interested, just ask!

PK can be found: Blog // Web // Twitter // Facebook // Goodreads 


  1. Pursue what's important. As one who is almost to the next decade mark, I'd have to agree with that.
    PK, you really don't look over thirty...

    1. God bless you for that, Alex! There are days when I don't feel over 30 ... and then others, well ...we'll leave it at that. ;)

  2. Love the card your mom gave you, Pk. I didn't manage to figure this out until a few years after I turned 40.

    Hope your birthday was a happy one, Annalisa!

    1. Thanks Julie! It was funny cuz I'd just had a falling out with a childhood friend cuz I was over the phoniness and feeling guilty about it, when I read this card and it all made sense. I've just grown up, that's all. ;)

  3. Your mom is so good!!! I see where her daughter got her talent. I totally think 40 is the year you realize life is too short for games and BS. I have much to get done and only sixty years left to do it in!

  4. lol now you're talkin' Liz!! I'm feeling that way too and wishing I'd have gotten started writing at a younger age, but then I wouldn't have been out livin' either, right? Here's to getting things done! *clinks glass*

  5. Enjoy and embrace any age. Oh you youngsters still have much to learn. Have fun! and Happy 40 Birthday year

    1. I'm sure we do, Joanne! It's an interesting ride to say the least. :)

  6. It remains to be seen, but what if 40 turns out to be the best year of my life. Not bad for me four months in. Great post, PK and cool idea Annalisa.

    1. That's so true Sydney! It could be the best decade ever! But man when 50 hits I'll be shell shocked. I have a friend who just turned 50 and she spent it in Maui with close friends. Now that's the way to do it!

  7. Hey Pk,

    I like that card your mother sent you for your fortieth birthday. A celebration of yourself. I have lots of practice celebrating. I sort of remember forty. As for you, Pk, there is no way you are over forty. Picture ID is definitely needed.

    Gary :)

    1. lol Thanks Gary! I do get carded some times and I just get a big smile. But then, the lighting tends to be dim in those establishments. lol

  8. Hi PK and Annalisa - wise words from your mother PK .. and so true to - for one who is somewhat more elderly -though feels 30! Happy times to everyone .. cheers Hilary

    1. Thanks Hilary! I feel 30 too at times. And at others, not so much. lol Thanks for stopping by! :D


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