Wednesday 16 April 2014

40 - argh! - Penny and Gary

In honour of my birthday, I decided to invite some fabulous bloggers to help me celebrate.
Their task? To create a post with the theme 40. Today's guest is Penny the Jack Russell Dog and modest internet superstar, and her fictional human, Gary...

Forty Happens.

Hi there, yes it's me, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar!  My human, Gary, was telling me what it was like for him when he turned forty.

"Penny, I remember the day I woke up and realised it was my fortieth birthday.  I had this incredible urge to go jogging.  That urge soon left and the only thing I thought of jogging was my memory.  I got out of bed and cranked up the stereo for the first time in ten years.  Yep, nothing like waking up to rap music.  I was forty and I was officially cool. 

I then knew that turning forty required me to purchase my very own mid-life crisis mobile.  Upon the purchase of my flashy sports car, complete with the wobbling furry dice on the driver's mirror, I was horrified that the police officer who pulled me over for speeding looked like a kid.  I was officially past forty and beyond.

More signs of my passing the forty year milestone became apparent to my son.  I started chatting to my son's friends. I was convinced they thought I was well ace with my real with it conversations.  They smiled.  My son looked totally agitated n' stuff.  Hey dudes, let's paaarrttty!  Oh yeah and far out, maaaan!"

"Very interesting, Gary!"  I responded.  "This explains your going on about, life's too short to be miserable.  Your new found appreciation for elevator music.  Soon, Gary, you will have a fondness for tacky cardigans and slippers in the shape of a cute little dog.  Are you ready for Bingo, Gary?" 

"Fair enough, Penny!  What say I mention something totally predictable like, forty is the new thirty.  Or thirty is the new twenty.  Which might make you wonder what that makes a ten year old.  Ah Penny, anything but Bingo!" 

About Gary...
Greetings, I have been honoured to have my blog 'klahanie' featured on the B.B.C.'s radio station 'Radio 5 Live'. On a show titled: 'Pods and Blogs', I tried to highlight in my interview, that it is time to eliminate the unfair stigma that is still attached to mental health issues. I firmly believe that the media can help redress the balance. How about sensationalizing the positive recovery stories rather than the negative stereotypes that people with mental health issues have to endure? I am a man challenging his 'inner critic.' I will not 'surrender' to my symptoms. I give myself permission to be positive. I try to live my life with positive anticipation. I refuse to let negative speculation overwhelm me. We all have the right to peace and contentment. I want to give others
positive affirmations. I am not daunted by my loneliness. For in my solitude, I have discovered a determined resilience. I care passionately for people who have been undermined in an unjust world. I challenge the stigma that still surrounds mental health issues.

Find Gary on his blog, on Twitter, and on Facebook


  1. Not doing the bingo thing either.
    I waited a few years after forty, but I did get a sports car. No dice though. Thought that was pushing it.

    1. Hey Alex,

      And I thought you wanted to start up a "Bingo Blog Hop!"

      You probably got the dice with the Playboy bunny on it.

      Penny's fictional human,


  2. I waited till 48 to get a sports car. Of course, that was the new 38.

    1. Hi Arleen,

      The new 38 and I'm hoping to be the new 59. Nothing like a sports car and go drag racing against the younger dudes and dudettes.

      Penny's fictional human,


  3. Oh god. Russell recently suggested we do bingo one of the weekends he's home. *cry* I've crossed the threshold to old personhood haven't I? lol Happy Birthday Annalisa! Enjoy this new decade cause when you get to my age (50 in Nov), you WILL be thinking about bingo as an income supplement. :D

    1. Hi JoJo,

      Russell wants you to enjoy the delirious thrill of bingo. Get ready for a fun weekend and don't forget to dye your hair blue. If you get mega rich playing bingo, let me know, my long lost cousin! :)

      Penny's fictional human,


  4. Very cute, Gary, and happy 40th to Annalisa. Yeah, you're definitely forty when you try to be cool around your son's friends, like you're the older brother instead of the dad. I even tried to cross that bridge as an uncle...unfortunately, I was actually walking a plank. Ugh. And don't even try to crank the music around me anymore...plays havoc with my hearing aid.

    1. Hi Michael,

      Thanks for thinking I'm very cute, Michael :) Walk the plank and crank the music, dude! Your hearing aid will thank you! Rock on and well cool, man.

      Penny's fictional human,

      Gary :)

  5. Happy birthday Annalisa.....oh to be forty again.

    1. Hi Delores,

      Young lady, I vaguely recall forty.

      Penny's fictional human,

      Gary :)

  6. I was thinking the same Delores. I am way beyond 40, so way beyond I don't even remember being 40. But I do NOT play Bingo. Nor do I have a sports car. Happy Birthday Annalisa, you are still a baby to me.


    1. Hi Jo,

      You were thinking the same as Delores? My condolences! I'm kidding :) Forty was twenty years ago for me, young lady! I think I shall now drive my mid-life crisis mobile right through the Bingo hall.....

      Penny's fictional human,

      Gary :)

  7. Happy Birthday! But I can assure you, 40 is NOT the new 30. 60 is. :-) New follower here.

    1. Hi Bish,

      That makes me forty, then :) A new follower. There you go, Annalisa. You get a new follower and I lose followers. Sheesh.....

      Penny's fictional human,

      Gary :)

  8. I skipped through 40 okay. It was turning 30 that nearly caused a mental breakdown. Ha! Now, I feel strapped into a racecar and careening toward 50. Okay, it's still a few years away, but Dang! time goes by quickly.

    Happy 40th! And thanks Gary for sharing your memories of 40!

    1. Hi Robin,

      Time goes even quicker when you get older, evidently. This means I'm now at Christmas, 2014. Merry Christmas! :)

      Sorry, forgot what my memories of forty were. Where am I? Who are you? LOL

      Penny's fictional human,

      Gary :)

  9. At 800 years old, this dragon does not play Bingo. I don't know how it is played. Happy birthday!

    1. Hey Father Dragon,

      Didn't you know that 800 is the new 700? Bingo, a must for any dragon! :)

      Penny's fictional human,

      Gary :)

  10. happy late 40th Annalisa!

    Penny! I love your photo! How have I missed you up to now? It must be the "modest" part of the description at work. You must meet skip my editing poodle...he has been known to take over my blog from time to time.

    Gary...ah forty.... so long ago it seems now.... I know what you mean about your kids looking at you funny.... When mine asked me to marry he and his wife I thought " how flattering... how old...." but happy to say I do not , will not play bingo!

    1. Hi Zoe,

      Zoe, where is your blog site? Have you published recently? Anyway, questions, questions.

      Penny loves that you love her photo. Penny is incredibly modest. Skip the editing poodle. I bet Skip is a highly acclaimed "pawblisher."

      My son always give me strange looks. On a good day he actually speaks to me. He will *grunt*. On a really good day, he grunts twice. See you at the bingo hall, not! :)

      Penny's fictional human,

      Gary :)

  11. Happy 40th, you're just a youngster, in a few weeks time I too enter a new decade which one I'm not saying or looking forward to.
    Have a lovely time.

    1. Hi Yvonne,

      Yes, forty is but a youngster. I am sixty and I rejoice in whatever age I am. Young at heart and let's go play on the swings :)

      Penny's fictional human,

      Gary :)

  12. moving on up... which is the theme song to the tv show "the jeffersons" this has nothing to do with turning forty. i just wanted to mention it as a tv factoid. around my house turning is that turning point of only good things... have a great day.

    1. Hi Mr. Retro,

      I remember that show very well. A spin-off from, "All in the Family." And the mother in the Jefferson's, Roxie Roker, is the real life mother of Lenny Kravitz. Are you impressed, Jeremy? Bonus points? Now tell me some factoids about some British shows....:) Aha!

      Penny's fictional human,

      Gary :)

  13. Not sure I'd ever appreciate elevator music, the bones creaking is another thing though

    1. Hi Pat,

      I've been told that elevator music is what inspires your poetry. Have fun with them creaking bones....

      Penny's fictional human,

      Gary :)

  14. Bingo? Never heard of it. As for elevator music, I hear that all the time. The doctors say it's tinnitus, but what do they know? Embrace your inner self, listen carefully to those creaky bones and pity those who've never taken time love themselves. But, I think I'm speaking to that choir again. Here's to tons of pawsitve thoughts.

    1. Hi Lee, yes that Lee, not the one totally obsessed with the alphabet,

      I've been told you call out the numbers at your local Bingo hall. Elevator music might as well be tinnitus. I often embrace my inner self and my outer self. Although, that might be too much information. The choir sings your praises, oh wise one. Pawsitive wishes, your way from that adorable dawg, Penny.

      Penny's fictional human,

      Gary :)

  15. Hi Gary and Annalisa - well you must illuminate Lee about Bingo?!

    Congrats Annalisa on reaching forty .. there's plenty of us that have passed that way, are still here, not playing bingo and generally enjoying ourselves ... so carrying on having one great time ..

    Gary and Penny keep on posting when you can .. and having those health giving walks - not jogs ..

    Cheers to one and all .. Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary,

      Lee is going to the Bingo workshop. She will be calling out numbers like the professionals.

      I shall go for a walk with the dog and perhaps a jog with with the dog. Sorry, forget what else I was going to say. Time to jog my memory.

      Penny's fictional human,

      Gary :)

  16. I'd love to see Gary in a cardigan and dog slippers. Annalisa you must really be special to have Penny the superstar here to help celebrate your birthday! :)

    1. Hi Julie,

      A tacky cardigan and a pair of puppy slippers with droopy ears. Penny would probably bite my slippers and tear up the tacky cardigan! :) Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar was glad to guest here. Well, in between doggy naps.

      Penny's fictional human,

      Gary :)

  17. What is it with men and sport's cars? All my girlfriends got tattoos, so maybe that's the chick equivalent! (no I didn't, thanks for asking, Penny. I don't like pain. And yes, I do wear a cardigan and slippers are just sensible.)

    1. Hi Elizabeth,

      It's supposed to be a phallic symbol on wheels. And no, I don't drive a Mini sports car. You know you want a tattoo :) Rumour has it you wear a cardigan and slippers and nothing else.

      Penny's fictional human,

      Gary :)

  18. When you start to realize that half the people around you could be your kids, that's freaky. I liked turning 40 though. Mostly because I didn't look it.

    1. Hi Diane,

      Could be your kids? Okay. Diane, there is no way you are over forty. Picture ID, please.

      Penny's fictional human,

      Gary :)

  19. I am still laughing at this story! The 40's were a blur because I only celebrated a birthday every three years when my sister caught up to me! Then at 49 I got a birthday reminder from A.A.R.P it would have nice if that application would have been a BINGO card instead! Loved the post!

    1. Hi Gossip_Grl,

      Heck, my whole life has been a blur. So, now your sister is older than you. An over fifties benefit club. What fun and over here, you get a reduced price at lawn bowling. Strip Bingo is all the rage! :)

      Penny's fictional human,

      Gary :)

  20. funny post. Annalisa is having a great 40 celebration. This shall make her eager for 50

    1. Hi Joanne,

      Penny and I appreciate that. Annalisa will have an even better time at fabulous fifty :)

      Penny's fictional human,

      Gary :)

  21. Hi Penny and Gary, I could so picture you 'hanging out and chatting' with your son's friends!

    Hope your break is going well, Annalisa :)

    1. Hi Suzanne

      My son's friends think I'm well cool and they laugh at my um, jokes. My son gets really aggravated by it.

      Penny's fictional human,

      Gary :)

  22. Happy Birthday Annalisa - and what wonderful guests you have to help you celebrate.
    If your birthday number is bigger than your waist (in inches) you are doing OK. Better than ok.

    1. Hi Sue,

      Such wonderful guests, indeed. And with that, I shall go and measure my waist.

      Penny's fictional human,

      Gary :)

  23. Don't be afraid of the Big Four Oh, Annalisa -- life begins at 40, like they say.

    Penny, what is 40 in dog years? Don't ask?

    1. Hi Debra,

      It works out to 268 human years.

      Penny's fictional human,

      Gary :)

  24. I woke up this morning to find my hubby's teeth beside my toothpaste. Does he want me to brush his teeth? OMG, does that mean we're officially over 60??? Gary, Penny, Annalisa, honestly 40 was a snap compared to 60! Annalisa, you got time. Gary, you better hurry. Penny, you're too cute to ever be old.

    1. Hi Joylene,

      Yes, your hubby wants you to brush his teeth. And that's the tooth and nothing but the tooth. Sixty and sexy! Sixty is a happening time. Just can't remember where or when it's happening. I shall hurry up. I'm looking forward to sixty nine. Penny, forever young and still in touch with her inner puppy.

      Penny's fictional human,

      Gary :)

  25. Hello Penny and Mr G . . . . . . . glad to do my bit . . . . be good, and Happy Birthday Miss A

    1. Hello Mr. R,

      Your bit is good and I NEWT you would be here, or there, or chasing aardvarks....

      Penny's fictional human,

      Gary :)

  26. Best time of your life, right?

    What a lovely gift to have Penny to celebrate!

    1. Hi Julia,

      I would say that the best time of life is always now. Well, I try to convince myself :)

      Penny the party pooch....

      Penny's fictional human,

      Gary :)

  27. It's terrible when the elevator music is the once loved favorite bands and music and I want to hear more.

    1. Hi Mary,

      Elevator music really gives you a lift.

      Penny's fictional human,

      Gary :)

  28. Happy Birthday Annalisa...

    FORTY IS NOTHING! Wait until you hit 50 and beyond! LOL. Hi Gary, Hi, Penny....

    I'm LONG OVER DUE for my sports car. But I hope to have it after I sell my condo and move to Florida... A shiny red, black, silver, or white convertible is SCREAMING out my name!

    And everyone you're only as old as you feel. Gary's right. Keep positive and the lines will melt away... they are mostly from TENSION!

    1. Hi Michael,

      FIFTY and way beyond....! :)

      I can see you in a new version of Miami Vice. Cruising by the beach in your hot, hot convertible sports car! Oh yeah, baby.

      Yep, I convince myself I'm a teenager and with that, I shall go for a positive skateboarding ride around the neighbourhood and impress my teenage buddies.

      Penny's fictional human,


  29. It's always nice to trade in the people mover for a sleek model. Sports cars are so over~rated though. Give me my AWD anyday.

    Lovely post Penny and Gary.

    Happy fortieth Annalise!


    1. Hi Denise,

      Hey, I'd be happy with beat up pick-up truck. I remember the last sports car I had. A buddy of mine borrowed it and decided to use the side of a mountain as a brake. Luckily, he wasn't hurt. As for my sports car, a total write-off.

      Thank you, Denise.

      Penny's fictional human,


  30. What's wrong with cardigans and fuzzy slippers?? I have fuzzy pink ones with cute faces on the front of them. That's real living, maaaaan! ;)


    2. Hi Lexa,

      Way too much information, Lexa! :) Okay, I have a pink tutu. Keep that a secret!!

      Penny's fictional human,


  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Yes, that comment was removed by the author because this darned comment section skipped on me and my comment to somebody way up there, ending up way down here....Yikes!

  32. I can wait for the bingo thing. When I turned forty, that very year, my eyesight started to blur when I read. Now I wear cheaters to read and just recently had to up the RX, argh! Didn't have to buy the car, thank goodness, and have now passed into the big 5 oooooossssss! Happy Birthday Annalisa!!!! Enjoy your 40s because they are awesome!

    1. Hi Lisa,

      Bingo loves you. Think of the fun you are missing :) I wear contact lenses and for small print, I have to slap on some reading glasses. Almost makes me look intelligent. I refuse to believe you are into the fifties. You need some photo ID proof! Forties rock, oh yeah!!!

      Penny's fictional human,


  33. Anything but Bingo ... Agreed!! Let's shake hands & paws on it!! :)

    Happy birthday Annalisa!

    1. Hi Jemi,

      Then again, Penny might just bark out the numbers at the Bingo hall. Have to paws and think about that :)

      Penny's fictional human,


  34. I went through a brief bingo stage about 20 years ago when I was trying to impress a lady friend by going with her to the local Knights of Columbus hall. No bingo for me either. Although I do play Loteria sometimes with my wife's family. Hey wait a minute--that's bingo with pictures instead of numbers.

    Good to see you here celebrating, Gary.

    Happy 40th Annalisa! Ah so young. My 40 is long past.

    Wrote By Rote
    An A to Z Co-host blog

    1. Hi Lee, the other Lee with the straw hat and sunglasses, Lee,

      Glad you recovered from that brief bingo stage. I can see how that might impress a lady by subjecting yourself to bingo bravery. Aha, so you sort of play a version of bingo. Beware of the warning signs.

      Nice to be here and there and everywhere. Now where is my clone? Thank you, Lee.

      Penny's fictional human,


  35. Happy Birthday Annalisa. Penny and Gary know that I frown on the idea of introducing made-up characters into Blog comments ;-)
    If my friend Sir Tom Eagerly were here he would agree. He remembers being 40 and 80!
    CLICK HERE for Bazza’s fabulous Blog ‘To Discover Ice’

    1. Hi Barry,

      Sir Tom, the man that improves with age. Rather like the finest cheese. Somewhat akin to a "Stinking Bishop."

      Toodle pip, old chap.

      Penny's fictional human,


  36. Oh my lord I wish I could write like you! First you made me laugh then you made my cry. Wonderful post, I’m so glad I called in.

    Happy late 40th Annalisa. Oh to be 40 again!

    1. Hi Barbara,

      The writing was mostly done by Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! Bless her, she taught me some writing techniques.

      Penny and I, her pretend human, are really pleased you dropped in for Annalisa's birthday celebration :) Thank you, Barbara.

      Penny's fictional human,


  37. Happy birthday, Annalisa! And hello, Gary and Penny!

    Not bingo. No way. Scrabble. Definitely Scrabble. Maybe Strip Scrabble.

    30 was my big crisis. I tried to recapture my lost youth by getting an Afro perm and buying zipper boots and a guitar. Big mistake. 40 was great. Life began at 40. I married so young that my two oldest children had already graduated from high school. 50 crept up on me unawares. The day I turned 50 I woke up and thought, "I'm nearer to my 100th birthday than I am to the day I was born. And since our chances of making it to 100 are not all that good, I realized my life was ebbing away, and not too slowly, either. Grandchildren started arriving in my 50s. 60 came and went. Now 70 has come and gone too. And I'm still here. And one of the best parts and unexpected benefits of still being around is getting to read the antics of Penny and Gary on occasion. Life is good. Enjoy, Annalisa, enjoy!

    1. Hi rhymeswithplague,

      Bare butt bingo might be an idea. Strip Scrabble and you deliberately lose.

      You have basically told us your chronological life story up til now. You are still here and we are grateful you are still here. With modern science, you never know, you might find that 100 is the new 90. Thank you for such a comprehensive and kind comment, my good friend.

      Penny's fictional human,


  38. I panicked at 30 but 40 was a breeze! Happy belated birthday!

    I've often wondered about going to a bingo game. We played as kids all the time and it was a blast, but the old age stigma makes it seem less fun for some reason.

    Careful with the jive talk Gary, Penny may have to put the leash on you! LOL

    1. Hi Yolanda,

      I know what you mean. At thirty, I got married. Now that was cause to panic :) What had I done? HELP! LOL

      Bare Butt Bingo is Best. No worries about old age stigma when you are having a bare butt bingo blast.

      Penny has told me to lay off the cool and far out talk. You know what I'm sayin'?

      Penny's fictional human,


  39. Gary - I am waaaay past 40 yet I still haven't succumbed to Bingo. There are more important things in life!

    1. Hi Lizy,

      Not succumbing to Bingo? More important things in life? You might be onto something with that. Shall now go and dye my hair blue :)

      Penny's fictional human,


  40. Wish our mommy could remember 40. She's getting better all the time. Hugs, Fiona & Pinky.

    1. Hi Fiona and Pinky,

      Your mummy hasn't reached forty. Of course, nonetheless, she's getting better all the time. Thanks, you guys.

      Penny's fictional human,


  41. Happy birthday, Annalisa! ♥

    Pawesome Penny and human Gary, I kissed 50 last September. And I still talk the "talk" I remember enjoying Bingo as a happy activity during school and college events! And I am loving my fifty-ness! That furry dice had me giggling though especially when I tried visualizing you in the flashy red car!

    1. Hi human, Vidya,

      My human is having a nap. So here I am, your doggy friend, Penny :) You kissed 50 last September? I wonder what those 50 kisses involved. Arf! Bingo is the way forward, evidently. Fifty was fun for my human. Gary had a couple of flashy red cars, complete with the furry dice! :)

      Enjoy the rest of the weekend, dear human.

      Pawsitive wishes,

      Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)


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