Thursday 21 January 2016

And breathe...

Well, that was a busy few days!
New Shoes! Need socks!

I thought I knew what to expect, but I didn't.

Before I continue, I'd just like to say a huge thank you for all the comments - here, on Facebook and on Twitter. I couldn't keep up with commenting, but I read them all.

I was at work when the announcement press release went out from the Costa Book Awards team.

Half way through my shift, I received an email asking if I was available to be interviewed by the Guardian. Yes, I am! But I'm at work...

It's okay, I was told, they'd send an email. I rushed home, answered the questions put to me, and the article was up that afternoon. (You can read it here.) What you might notice is that I'm quoted quite a lot, and the other short listed authors aren't. I imagine we were all sent the same email, but I replied quickest.

The next day, while I was working out at the gym, I received an email asking if I was available to be interviewed live on BBC Radio Cornwall. I paused. Hmm... Radio is different to an printed interview. I have to speak, out loud, fluffed words and muddled thoughts and all. Yes, I am! I replied before I had chance to talk myself out of it.

Luckily, the radio host thought that day was a bit of a rush, so it was moved to the following day, yesterday. (I won't link here, because the link will only be valid for a month.) Of course, that meant I had longer to think about it, but enough time to calm down.

I haven't listened to it. I doubt I will. I dislike hearing my own voice. I don't sound the way I think I do. But that's not the point. The point is, I did it! Something I always panicked about. And it was all right - nothing bad happened.

Things I've Learnt This Week
  • Say yes - people who don't know me heard me on the radio, they've seen my name in the paper (in a sub-heading, no less!), they may be moved to search out my books.
  • Say yes, quickly - if I'd dallied on that email interview, one of the other authors might have got in first. Okay, replying to emails within five or ten minutes might seem needy and too eager, but to a journalist with a deadline it's vital.
  • Say yes, even when you don't want to - in normal circumstances I would have probably run a mile from anyone suggesting a radio interview. But these aren't normal - by entering the competition I agreed to take part in promotion and marketing should I reach this far. Okay, they probably wouldn't have come after me with pitchforks if I refused, but I used that image to force myself into it. And next time, well... it won't be my first!
In short, say yes.

What have you said yes to recently?


  1. Congratulations on all your new firsts! Wow, lady! You did great. I hope more great opportunities keep finding you.

    1. Thanks Murees. Firsts are good, because they never happen again :-)

  2. So excellent for you! And thanks for the reminder to say "yes" more often. :)

    1. I don't often get to share words of wisdom. It feels good :-)

  3. What a fab time you're having! Soak it up and live in the moment, Annalisa. So excited for you. And I'm lovin' the shoes! ENJOY!!!

    1. The shoes are great, aren't they? I bit of a struggle to walk in though - I'm really not good in heels!

  4. How awesome! This is so exciting. And you're right, we should say yes more often. I said yes to making a banana bread yesterday. (I don't eat it myself, but my son wanted one!)

    1. I haven't had banana bread in ages - kinda craving it now, though :-)

  5. all of your hard work is truly paying off - stay on the bike and keep pedaling - yes to it all. (I have not really had any chances for a yes to anything exciting yet this year)

    1. I will. Hopefully you'll have lots of fun things to say yes to soon :-)

  6. So pleased you said yes, congratulations.

  7. Wow! How awesome!
    I've done a few radio interviews, and yes, listening to them was painful. It made me aware of how often I say "um." A habit to break.

    As for saying "yes," I was offered a chance to teach at a week-long writing conference in Galway, Ireland this August. And I said yes even though it's a little bit scary to think about.

    1. Yes, I think I've got a bit of an 'um' habit too :-(

      Your 'yes' is awesome. What a great experience!

  8. Hi Annalisa - I'm so pleased for you ... I read the Guardian article - brilliant .. but can't find the BBC one - hope you'll be kind enough to send it to me and preferably put it up - so some of us can hear you?! Looks like things are really happening - local newspaper interview soon .. and in Cornwall Life .. etc etc ...

    That's such good news .. those shoes - good luck in the walking!! Enjoy this preparatory weekend?????!!!!!! lots of fun ahead - Cheers Hilary

    1. Fingers crossed for Cornwall Life - it's in all the doctor's surgeries!

      The shoes will be interesting. At least I'll have my big, strong hubby to lean on :-)

  9. Enjoy the momentum and yes, he or she who hesitates . . .I like the old adage: you snooze, you lose. Hope to hear more about your good fortune. I like the way the UK supports their creatives in the news! Good Luck!

    1. If you get involved with the right organisation, they have great links with the media. I've struck very lucky!

  10. That's awesome! I'm glad you just said yes to everything, I think if I had to much time to think about things like that I would chicken out.
    I love those shoes!!!

    1. Thanks Sarah. The key is not to think at all, just say YES :-)

  11. That's fantastic! I'm so happy for you! I can't wait to listen to your interview and read the article! I totally talk myself out of things if I think for too long, so go you for saying yes! I love your shoes too :)

  12. Congratulations! And that's great advice! Also, kudos to you for saying yes to the radio interview! That's awesome!

    1. Thanks Rena. It was completely out of my comfort zone. And... I did another one yesterday!

  13. That's SOOOOOO Cool! I'm not familiar with the award - I'm based in the US - but it sounds like a really big deal. Congratulations!!!!

    1. Yes, Libby, it's just as big and cool as you're imagining :-) Thank you.

  14. Hi Annalisa,

    Wow and totally awesome congrats to you, Annalisa! Such a positive,exciting situation to be in. You may well become a media superstar! I understand about not listening back to your own interview. I shuddered when I actually got up the courage to listen to my own voice on an interview I had with BBC radio Five Live.

    Give yourself a big pat on the back! :)


    1. Thanks Gary. I'll have to get some tips from Penny on being a modest superstar :-)

  15. That is so exciting! Good for you being able to do a radio interview. Here's to many more.

  16. SOOO excited for you with all of this! I get excited just seeing your name in the Guardian headline. Amazing!

  17. Wow that must have been so exciting! And it's GREAT exposure. :-D

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Congratulations! You've done great!

  20. Yay! And I saw the results on Facebook. So stoked for you. That's beyond epic.

  21. Good for you! What an exciting whirlwind! You're a fabulous writer. It's so well deserved. :)

  22. Good advice. And yay! Major congrats!

  23. Thank you, everyone. Apologies for the lack of individual comments, but it's been hard keeping up with everything via my phone.


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