Please welcome the wonderful Elizabeth Seckman to my blog today - she is a super supportive blogger, and hosted a stop on my last blog tour, so as a thank you I've given her my blog for the day. I wonder what she has to say...
Hey Annalisa!
Thanks for having me over.
You go put the kettle on (practicing my Brit lingo) while I tell you how a fridge magnet changed my thinking.
I was out shopping with some girlfriends and came across this magnet, "Dear Lord, if you can't make me skinny, please make all my friends fat!"
At first glance I got a good laugh.
I mean misery does love company and if everyone was in the same chubby boat as me, I'd feel a whole lot better about myself.
Or our cellulite covered butts would sink our dingy and we'd all drown.
But still, I wouldn't be THE chunky chick, I'd just be one of many...
Then I started beastly is that sort of thinking?
It's not at all motivating. I mean motivation is the push to do better, to try harder.
I decided this little five dollar cutie was a double fail-
First fail:
"Lord, make me skinny?" Like I was going to get a miracle where chocolates, candies, and cakes were suddenly going to become the new broccoli, carrots, and celery of the world and TV watching would become high impact cardio?
Absurd, right?
Second fail:
I was asking to drag all my friends down (or up the scale) with me.
Ms. Size Six who never finishes a full meal? I hoped your every spoonful had a heaping helping of excess fat.
Ms. Thin who skates every evening? Sorry, I just wished you a broader bum!
Final conclusion? I am what I am because of the choices make. If I want to be something different, I have to make different choices. And if I don't want to put in the sweat equity, then I'll accept and love the person I am.
To wish failure on my friends? Well the only thing that shrinks is my personality.
My pooch is tummy pooch camouflage!
Elizabeth is just a simple Yankee chick who dares to day she'll have a clean house, a tight bum, and a shelf full of books with her name on them. The mother of four boys...she divides her time between the laundry room, the kitchen, and the computer.