Thursday 6 June 2013

Going to South Africa...

Today, I'm going due south to visit Murees Dupe on her blog, and talking about my story Open Windows - a short and sweet post today to match the story... well, the short part, you'll have to decide for yourself if you think the story's sweet.

In reality, I'm going to be out on a training day learning about some cool fitness equipment that our gym won't be getting. Still, I work with some great people so it should be fun... apart from the envious silence on the way home!

Thanks for all the comments on my IWSG post yesterday - I'll get around to commenting some time today hopefully. Just when I need to be at home with my computer 24/7, I get super busy!

I hope you'll pop over to Muress's... and drop in and say hi when I get home.


  1. Heading over to her blog now. Have a great day!

  2. You're in my neck of the woods... I'm off to check it out-----

  3. I'll pop over asap.


  4. Dana, Michelle and Yvonne - Thanks for visiting :-)

  5. You've got so much going on-- it's exciting. It's been fun to read the posts about your book. Yay!

  6. Hi Annalisa .. well the gym equipment's always worth learning about .. and I need to catch up too .. the 'Coronation' is taking my time! I love love South Africa - so that's a stop off .. cheers Hilary


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