Thursday, 27 December 2012

Did I meet my goals?

After all that preparation, it's over... There are piles of toys all over my house, lots of chocolates and biscuits that will last until at least mid-February, and my mum hasn't even delivered my Christmas cake yet!

I hope you had a great Christmas.

Back in August, I wrote this post and made a few resolutions. And I promised I'd admit how well I did!

1) I am going to get a grip of my sugar - say no to cake/stop buying chocolate with the excuse that I've got writers block/make better post-gym snack choices. This made me laugh because I made this same statement at least twice since August, completely forgetting about the previous ones. I'm definitely trying to cut down, although Christmas hasn't helped. I am making better snack choices and buying less chocolate, so I'm happy with the progress.

2) Further to the above goal, I'm going to get myself back into a proper programme at the gym - after an injury I've been slacking, but my shoulder is better and I really need to do it. I'm certain that by the end of the year I can have a semi-Olympic body (Hehehe, I actually said that!!)
  • Reducing body fat by 5% Nope, not at all. 
  • Lifting 100kg on the leg press (previous PB was 115kg, so definitely achievable, with practise) Again, no, but I have added new leg exercises like straight-legged deadlifts and squats, and I do the leg press at the end of my workout when my legs are tired - I lift 85kg x 10 reps x 3 sets, so I probably could lift 100kg if I did it first - I'll try next leg day.
  • Complete 30 minutes on the stepper I got to 15 minutes, but there's only one stepper and people queue for it. There will be new equipment before Easter, so I'll work up to 30 minutes over the summer.
  • Achieve 1 pull-up (although that's been a goal for the past two years, so don't hold your breath!) Nope, but I hung for a moment the other day. It's a silly thing to do anyway!
  • Run 5k at a 5% incline in less than 30 minutes I got a injured, and I can only run for about 10 minutes without searing pain through my ankle. I think this would be a stretch even if I wasn't injured though.
3) I'm going to try to have two complete days away from the internet every week - and write longhand on those days so I'm not tempted to to stray onto the web The only days I've managed to be internet-free are the days I've been out of the house. Although, taking part in NaNoWriMo made me realise how much time I can waste time on the internet, so I am getting better at knowing when I should turn it off. That's worth at least half a point, isn't it?

4) I'm going to make sure I have at least half an hour after I come in from work before I turn on my laptop Erm, next...

5) I'm going to write at least two drafts of a brand new novella, the idea for which is lurking in my mind, but annoyingly not quite fully formed It's taken me a while to remember what the idea was... However, I wrote one draft, which I finished just before November. I'm looking forward to going back to it. It took longer than I thought, because I needed to do some research. 

So, overall, I didn't do too well...
What about you? Do you make resolutions? New Year's ones, birthday ones,
random ones in August or March?
Have you made any for the New Year? 
I'd love to hear about them!


  1. *giggles* And this is why I don't make resolutions! I am almost positive you don't have 5% body fat to lose though!!

    I intend to keep losing weight because I did pretty well towards the end of this year - and even though I've been eating lots because it's Christmas, I have managed to squeeze in at least a little exercise in between. I'm quite proud of this because normally, I can't be bothered lol!

    1. Sensible eating and exercise is the best way to keep weight off - dieting and starving and denying yourself your favourite foods always fails. You'll have to bring your gym kit down one day, I'll give you a training session :-)

  2. I'm always surprised at the way I feel on days when I don't get online, when I spend the time reading or jotting notes in a notebook or getting outside etc. I feel calmer, more focused. Not that I don't enjoy the blogging and the social networking - I do! - but I find I get scattered and distracted more easily than I used to. I don't think I'll make it an official goal or anything but it's definitely something I'm going to keep in mind. :)

    1. Scattered and distracted are definitely how I feel. But sometimes I can't help just checking Twitter or Facebook or my email just "one more time"!

  3. LOL, I know better than to make resolutions like that. Especially if they concern exercise. Although I actually did get a fair amount of exercising in this fall by taking up bike riding with my husband.

    Then it got cold. Now what?

    The husband has a stationary bike set up in the basement, but that seems pretty unappealing. I guess I'll have to wait until spring ...

    1. Wrap up warm and get back outside, obviously :-)

  4. But it's always a good idea to think about where you want to go-- or at least that's how I operate. Yeah, I wrote down goals at the beginning of last year and managed to peck at 2 of them and almost completely ignore one. LOL. And so I'll try again. At least getting them out there brings them to the forefront of our minds. Right? RIGHT? ;) Happy New Year, Annalisa!

    1. Happy New Year to you too, Julie. Yes, having the thought is a good first step!

  5. Maybe your body would do better in a pool? Less stress.
    Just a couple goals for next year - get through the launch of my third book and decide which path to pursue, writing or music.

    1. I hate pools - I'm a very bad swimmer. I much prefer the gym, and lifting weights. I have to force myself into the cardio - my ankle is just a really convenient excuse!

      Wow - your goals are pretty big ones. It'll be interesting to see what wins, music or writing, but I'd love to hear your music one day... please!

  6. It sounds like you did a pretty good job to me. I rarely achieve any sort of progress on my resolutions, when I even bother to make them!

    1. I felt so goalless during the Olympics, those athletes inspired me!

  7. See, I think you did pretty well on your goals. You are too hard on yourself. You are writing, juggling a family, and you have fun with your crazy blog friends. Hey - we've had laughs, so it's been an awesome year.
    Carry on into 2013 - more fun ahead.

    1. When you put it like that, Joanne, I did do pretty well. There's definitely a lot to juggle when you write on top of everything else :-)

  8. Any progress toward your goals, no matter how small, is worth celebrating. Have yourself some crudites and hummus! (You know, if you like hummus.)

    I tend to write first drafts longhand, as the danged Internet does wail its siren's song loudly when I use my PC to write. Gah. I've read somewhere that some writers are going back to good old typewriters just for that reason. I suppose, though, if you can afford another PC, one which doesn't have any access to the Interwebs, that would work even better.
    Some Dark Romantic

    1. Hmmm hummus - not that I could eat anything else after Christmas :-)

      I love writing longhand - I have a beautiful fountain pen that always inspires me to write lovely words. Occasionally I think about a non-internet access PC, but I think acting like a grown-up with self-control is something I need to work on more :-)

  9. I don't make resolutions I'm unlikely to stick to (So avoiding chocolate or the internet are out) I do make writing ones though and usually do quite well at those. This year I intend to enter more writing competitions, write more generally and try to be better at reviewing other people's books.

    1. I would NEVER resolve to avoid chocolate, it's a major food group for writers don't you know?

      Entering more competitions is a great idea. I love them! Good luck.

  10. I wanted to get a book published in 2012. I succeeded...and gained ten pounds and my house is a disaster area. But I won't complain. :)

    1. Well done on everything you've achieved this year. Housework is overrated anyway :-)

  11. Enjoyed your posting today and your list/resolutions. #1 and 2 are on my list too. If only the jar of Nutella would stop calling for me! Great posting and wishing you a happy and a safe New Year!

    1. Good luck avoiding the Nutella!! Happy New Year to you too :-)

  12. Oh heck! I suppose I shall have to review my own achievements in 2012 before Monday night. That's tomorrow's writing down the drain. And as for the gym - no chance! Happy 2013

    1. Write first, review second, gym third :-) Happy New Year!

  13. Right, so I make resolutions, when the need suits me. I write them down on little pieces of paper and keep them in a journal that only gets written in once a year. I started doing this about 7 years ago now, and the idea is simple, achieve a goal, and I put the piece of paper into the fire. A goal becomes unimportant, and it goes to the trash. A goal remains unaccomplished but on my list of stuff to do next year, it gets to stay in the little journal.

    Let's just say I have a bunch of slips of paper from 7 years ago. They never stick. I've only ever managed to make a few of them go, but for the most part, they never quit work out for me. Though, I usually make progress.

    1. I love the idea of sending your accomplishments up in smoke, it turns the saying on its head. I have goals that are a long time in the making, but I have every expectation of doing them one day :-)

  14. You did very well. I wish I could do a well as you did.

    1. The trick is to choose things that you want to do anyway rather than trying to give up chocolate or wine :-)

  15. I did a similar thing...looked back at the new year's resolutions I had written last year, and added some comments.
    I think you did better than I did! I struggle w/ the same thing ALL the time!

    1. I had a look at your list, and you managed some good stuff - we both did well!

  16. It's okay to set your sights high, that way even if you don't quite make it you still achieve something great.

    Happy 2013!

  17. I've just done my yearly review Annalisa and it wasn't pretty. I feel your pain!


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