Tammy and
Emily are hosting a bloghop!
To find out what the dickens this is all about, click this link
here and all will be revealed. I signed up a long time ago and I have turned my brain to jelly taking part in NaNoWriMo, but basically - I think - I have to answer the questions below. There might be more to it, but one step at a time...
1. How many speeding tickets have you gotten? None, I can't drive, and I'd have to run pretty fast to get a ticket!
2. Can you pitch a tent? No, but I can watch one being put up, usually whilst entertaining kids who've been cooped up in a car for hours. I play Frisbee instead.
3. What was your worst vacation ever? That would have to be camping holiday in the rain... I can't choose which one, because there have been several, but we keep going back for more...
4. What was the last thing you bought over $100? As I'm in the UK, I'm going to change that to £100... but actually, I can't think of the last thing I bought for that amount - I imagine the water bill doesn't count?
5. We're handing you the keys to what? My new house - it's detached, about 100 years old, large fireplaces, large rooms, a modern kitchen and a view of the sea. Thank you very much!
6. What was the last meal cooked that made even you sick? About 7 years ago I gave myself full-on food poisoning by cooking some fish I found in the freezer. Usually Hubby cooks, but he was out - I was cooking sausages for the kids, but there weren't enough for me so I had the fish... BIG mistake!
7. Fill in the blank: Oh my gosh! Becky, look at her butt! It is so big. She looks like _____? Sorry, I can't answer this, I wouldn't say anything like that.
8. What was your first car? Although my answer to question 1 was I can't drive, I did buy myself a car when I was attempting to learn. It was a Ford Fiesta, I owned it for about six months. I even bought it a Manchester City air freshener tag.
9. Your best friend falls and gets hurt. Do you ask if he/she's okay or laugh first? I'd always check she was okay first, then laugh.
10. What's the worst song ever? Far, far too many to list... currently, Gangnam Style and Candy by Robbie Williams. I usually don't remember bad songs, my head is too full of great songs.