Friday 1 June 2012

Friday interview with Misha Gericke

Today, I'm pleased to welcome Misha Gericke to my blog! Misha is currently writing her first novel, a fantasy called Doorways

Misha, welcome to my blog... dropping you in at the deep end, why do you write?
Ooooh that is the deep end. This might be a bit of a cliched answer, but I go nuts when I don't write. I guess that makes sense, given that I have about thirty characters minimum in my head, clamoring for attention. Writing quiets them down a little. 

With all those characters wandering around in your head, are you the ultimate pantser, or do you work to a plan?
Definitely a pantser, although a plan sort of formed itself for the whole series as I wrote Doorways. 

On your blog, you have a countdown to when Doorways will be finished - how's that going?
Hahahaha oh... it's all in the balance at this stage. I'm REALLY close, but it all depends on how fast my CPs can get through my work. 

What are you doing while you wait? Do you have something else to work on, the next in the series maybe?
Yes I'm messing around with the sequel at this stage while I wait. It keeps me in my characters' minds without stealing too much of my concentration from Doorways. 

Have you been through the process of submitting and/or publishing before, or is this your first time?
This will be my first time. In one sense I'm really looking forward to it, since it will be the next big challenge. On the other, I am terrified. 

Have you found blogging, and reading other people's publication stories, useful? When I was started submitting, I had no idea what to expect.
Oh definitely. I had no clue at all, which is why I'm so glad that I decided to start blogging, because it really opened my eyes. I also learnt some really useful tips from other writers that I never would have thought of on my own.
And, finally, talking about tips, do you have any of your own writing or blogging tips to pass on?
Writing tip from me: try not to compare yourself to others. Everyone has their own sets of strengths and weaknesses. 
Blogging tip: Reciprocate, because there's no use to asking people to follow them if you won't do the same.

Thanks Misha! It's been great talking to you, and good luck with Doorways.
If you don't already follow Misha, she blogs at My First Book, where you can follow the countdown for Doorways too!


  1. Lovely interview, nice to hear more about Mischa!

  2. Hi Annalisa and Misha - great interview .. that starting point has obviously become somewhat easier now social media is with us .. once we find people we can trust with appropriate/sensible ideas .. Good luck with Doorways - I like the title as there's obviously lots of threads ..

    Cheers Hilary

    1. I love that you said that about Doorways, because yes, there are a LOT of threads. :-)

  3. really great advice, Misha! Great interview- loved learning more about her!

  4. Don't let the next step scare you. After all, it IS just a small step in the process.

    1. Thanks Alex! I'm trying not to be scared, but it's still a little strange to me, since I've been working on Doorways so long. The idea of setting it free is very different now that I actually have to do it. ;-)

  5. Best of luck to Misha -- hope those CPs get to you quickly!

    Good of you to interview her, Annalisa. A very nice post.

  6. Ooh great questions and answers :)

  7. Thanks for the comments. I'm dowsing myself in other people's writing progress in the hope some of it will rub off on me :-)

    1. Thanks so much for having me! I'm sorry I'm only replying now. Took the week off from blogging because I was really tired. :-)

  8. I haven't met Misha yet, nice to see you on the web! I'm going to do some blog hoping now :)

  9. That was a great interview Annalisa and Misha. Misha, Congrats on being so close to the end of getting your book ready and best of luck with beginning the publishing process. :)

    1. Thanks Michael. Although I'm still a little scared about moving to the publishing process, I'm excited about it too. :-)

  10. A great interview. I particularly like the advice on not comparing yourself to others. I think it's very easily done online as we read what fellow bloggers, Tweeters and Facebookers and doing, but I think what we need to do is take little nuggets of advice from those that are further along the publishing route than some of us, and from Misha, I am taking, don't compare. :)

    1. I agree. No matter how much I try, I'll never become one of the people I'm emulating. So to me that's just a waste of time.

      I much rather go to them for advice and then see if I can use it. ;-)

  11. Awesome interview. I love blogging for the same reasons as Misha. And I've gained some great insights from her blog.

    1. Thanks so much Stina! I've also gained some great insights from your blog. :-)

  12. i enjoyed that interview! and Misha, dont be afraid of submitting, just expect alot of no's. then the yes will be that much more exciting! good luck!

  13. Great interview Annalisa. I hope interviewers are as nice as you when I become famous :)

  14. Hi Annalisa, Hi Misha! All the best with Doorways, Misha and yay for pansting!! LOL!! Take care

  15. You're all awesome for making Misha feel welcome on my blog!

    Lizy - I'll interview you when you're famous!

  16. Hi both, glad to hear that Doorways is progressing well, Misha and good luck with that. I think that the best advice for anyone about blogging is to enjoy it. If it becomes a slog then it's not worth continuing with, Annalisa.

    1. Thanks Rosalind. I agree with you that blogging's not worth the effort if it becomes a job.

  17. I love Misha's blog, and this is a great interview. So glad that Doorways is progressing, how exciting. Thanks for sharing this interview, Annalisa!


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