Monday 18 June 2012

Changing my mind!

Just over five weeks ago I decided to create a schedule for this blog. It was a trial, because I'd seen other blogs work well with a schedule, and I saw a post about how it was the professional thing to do. But it didn't work for me - I haven't enjoyed it, so I'm not doing it anymore!

I've got interviews and guest posts scheduled for the next few Fridays, which I'll obviously still be posting, and I won't stop having guest posts and interviews, because that bit I've really enjoyed - it just won't be every week.

So, what went wrong?
  • I don't normally schedule anything, apart from coffee with friends. I don't even have a regular day to wash the floors. I liked the A-Z Challenge (which is the reason I thought I'd enjoy having a schedule in the first place) but probably because it was a novelty, not because I had a sudden yearning to have my blogging week mapped out.
  • I started focusing on the posts much more than I've done in the past. Rather than having an oh that would be good to write about thought, I was having what the heck can I write now thoughts. And that was quite stressful!
  • I've wanted to write about things that haven't fitted with my general themes.
  • I've wanted to write things on a Tuesday!
  • Because I was posting so frequently, I thought it was only fair that I visited other blogs more. You can't post a lot and not visit anyone, can you? Therefore, I was either writing posts or reading posts or commenting on posts... and then it was time to write another post again.
So, there you have it, folks. Normal service is resumed. And to celebrate, I have no idea when my next post will be or what it will be about. I feel liberated!

So, how are you today?

(PS. What I do know is I'll be interviewing YA author Tony Talbot on Friday!)

Did you know Stephen Tremp's novel Breakthrough: The Adventures of Chase Manhattan is available to download free from today and tomorrow? Go straight there, or stop off at Stephen's blog first.


  1. Ha ha, those are the reasons I don't have a schedule either! I prefer to just write each post as it comes to me. :D

    1. I was looking forward to trying out my schedule, and now I'm looking forward just as much to not having one :-)

  2. I had the exact problem and I couldn't even keep up with the first day of my schedule. But those are really great reasons to not have a schedule, so be proud that you at least tried and it just was not for you. Enjoy your new blogging freedom.

    1. I was forcing myself to do it, otherwise I wouldn't have lasted this long.

  3. I'm the same... as soon as I schedule something, everything goes wrong... like my brain makes sure the plan fails... I know crazy, but it happens all the time.

    1. I've never been good at following rules - it appears even self-imposed ones are a step too far for me :-)

  4. Write about things on a Tuesday? Scandalous. :-) But apparently anti-schedule sentiment is contagious. Broke my blog schedule already, too.

    1. Lol - we're free spirits, we should embrace it!

  5. I found I couldn't keep up with everything as well and now only blog on Mondays and occasionally during the week to participate in blog hops, giveaways etc. This really allowed me to concentrate on my writing which is what always comes first (after family).
    Yes, it feels very liberating:)

    1. It's easy to forget the writing fiction bit, isn't it?

  6. I can't schedule, either. I think it's a good idea. . .I just can't do it. :) Oh well. I look forward to your next post, whatever it may be!

    1. Thank you Rachel. I'm glad I tried it, but glad it's over.

  7. I'm good; thanks for asking. Been busy and a horrible blog buddy, but other than that...
    I'm with you! I can't seem to bring my blogging under control; especially when my real focus is on writing the books. To me, my blog is fun. And that may not make me the best blogger, but I'm a happy, relaxed blogger. ;)

    1. Happy and relaxed sounds perfect in a blogger. And you're always a great blog buddy :-)

  8. It's a good day so far! :)

    I've been kicking around the idea of having a schedule, but I'm not sure if it would work for me. Maybe I'll give it a try later in the summer.

    1. It's an interesting thing to do. And I've seen it work really well.

  9. Good for you. I guess it all depends on blog goals. If it's a fun outlet for expression, then there shouldn't be a schedule. I'll always check in on my fave blogs (like yours) and it's a treat to see something new.

    So, willy nilly blogging, but you'd better go wash those floors - ha!

  10. I don't have a schedule for the blog. (Shhh ... I find them a little dull when I encounter them on other people's blogs.) What's the fun in hopping around the blogosphere if you know exactly what you're going to find on everyone's blog?

    1. Now I feel pressure to be entertaining too :-0

  11. I've been trying to work out a blog schedule for weeks now. My problem is that I'm also doing other schedules and just trying to get everything to kind of fit into a logical plan.

    1. I took a while to decide on mine, and it STILL didn't work. I can see how trying to work different schedules would be difficult.

  12. Welcome back to the ranks of the liberated unscheduled! :-)

    1. Thank you Linda - it's fun over here, isn't it? :-)

  13. I found that really amusing!
    Other than the post for the IWSG, I never have scheduled topics. (Other than a movie preview near the end of the month.)

    1. My topic for IWSG next month will 'disorganisation'!

  14. I had the same problem where I used to post 5 times a week. Just reading all the other blogs 5 times a week will eat up most of your time. Now, I'm a two times a week girl and it works much better for me and my schedule.

    1. Wow - 5 times a week? I struggled with 3. Twice a week sounds much more achievable.

  15. I enjoyed the A-Z but it got me hooked to such an extent that I feel bad if I ignore my blog for a day. Not good! So I am deliberately weaning myself off to 3 or 4 a week.

    1. Everyday is really tough. Some people manage it with such ease, but I like to eat and sleep occassionally :-)

  16. Hi Annalisa - it always worried me that everyone seemed to have schedules .. and after I got going and settled in to the blogging world, understanding where things were at so to speak .. ie post, but also comment elsewhere, meet new bloggers and repeat - I just blog when I get to it, and as I'm not posting all the time this suits me and my wonderful commenters - thankfully.

    I love the A - Z - it gives me a chance to write 26 posts on a subject and be creative in my thoughts, but with that starting point each day .. the ABCs ..

    So I'm with you being liberated and unscheduled when I can be just that!

    Cheers and see you on your next posting .. Hilary

    1. At the end of the day (oops, too much Match of the Day watching!) it's all about what suits us best. Being tied down doesn't suit me, and obviously doesn't suit you either. Aren't we lucky? :-)

  17. Schedule or not - I still like your blog, it's just awesome to read! :)


  18. 'I saw a post about how it was the professional thing to do. But it didn't work for me - I haven't enjoyed it, so I'm not doing it anymore!'

    Best reason to make your choice, Annalisa. It's difficult because you want to professional in all things, naturally, but I think blogging is more for support within the writers' community and we all understand. That's the way I see it, anyway, and it helps me to be more relaxed and to just enjoy the process. Though, like you, I totally understand, also, really hashing out within oneself how to best handle a blog.

    1. Exactly. I'm all for trying new things (I even tried goji berries - yuk!) but in the end I'll only do the things I enjoy.

  19. I think I might stick to my schedule, but include gibberish in there too if I feel like it! A girl is allowed to change her mind right! :)

    1. It's written in law that you have to change your mind, sometimes :-)

  20. I know what you mean. I added a bit more structure to my blog, but I don't keep myself to it, except for Guest Post Friday.

    I don't want my blog to own me, so I have the prerogative to change my mind every day. :-)

    1. I love your phraseology there - I definitely don't want my blog to own me either!


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