Sunday 30 October 2016

How to Get Published conference

Yesterday, I went to a writing conference. For various reasons, I've written about it on my website, so rather than repeat it, click

to read all about it, and see yet another dodgy photo of me. Feel free to comment over there, or pop back and comment here. Or not at all... You know, being Sunday and all, you might be way too relaxed...


  1. I'll comment here. Sounds like a packed day with some good takeaways and you only had to lug them (in your brain) on a bus. Conferences tend to reinforce what we know, and that's a good thing. Plus being around other writers is energizing.

    1. Yes, a lot of the info was standard stuff, but there were a few little snippets during the panels that were interesting - especially the anecdotes from the agent and literary consultant on the good and bad things their clients do!

  2. Some interesting points, Annalisa and so great you could visit. It's not always easy when you live where we do to get to events! I thought it was interesting that the agent said she preferred not to have the final reveal/twist in the synopsis, most of the advice I have read suggests you should put it in. Definitely shows it pays to research individual requirements.

    1. When the agent said that, it took a lot of us by surprise. Perhaps - if you do have a big twist - there's a way to talk about the ending in a more opaque way. But yes, research, and these days follow them on Twitter and possibly engage them in conversation first - you never know who might reply!

  3. Popping over to read all about it!

  4. Hi Annalisa - what a treat to get to visit a conference nearby .. as you say makes a change ... buses allow us to clear the brain, or to remember new ideas and thoughts ... sounds like it was a good day ... cheers Hilary

    1. As a non-driver, I spend a lot of time on buses. Sometimes I get to switch off and think, other times I'm bombarded by the weird woman talking loudly to her phone about her latest break-up. Swings and roundabouts :-) But yes, it was a good day.

  5. Enjoyed that recap! Especially the bit about social media - it really is all about finding the balance that works for us.

    1. I know I'd benefit from being a lot more disciplined. I'll be off grid for most of November with NaNoWriMo, though, so maybe I'll keep the motivation afterwards.

  6. Like Madeline said, it's good to find that balance. That seems to be my hardest job. Great that you were able to go to that conference. I'm always energized by them.

    1. Yes, it was really great, just to be in a room with like-minded people!

  7. I enjoyed reading about your experiences at the conference, Annalisa! Some great points in there -especially about agent preferences - I guess it just goes to show that you definitely shouldn't write a generic submission and send it out to everyone!
    I'd love to go to some writing conferences - I'm considering going to the London Book Fair next year, but we'll see. No one ever comes up to Cumbria, and it's a long way to travel to get anywhere!

    1. No one ever comes down this way, either - until the day they did! If one company are venturing further from London, others may too, and more frequently.

      The London Book Fair sounds like an amazing experience.

  8. Really interesting, Annalisa!
    ...and you know what really got my attention? Some publishers watch the pre-orders of self-published books on Amazon, and if you hit a certain number, you may get a call!
    Wow, now that gives self-pubbed authors hope, especially those who still harbour the secret desire to land a publisher.

    1. Everyone's still trying to find their place in the publishing industry. I still think agents are important, but not the only way.

  9. Good post! I left a comment there. :)

  10. I haven't been to one of these sorts of events for ages. Maybe I should.

    1. It was my first time, and I really enjoyed it. Just mixing with other like-minded people for a whole day was fun!


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