Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Another musical guest post

I'm really excited to be featured on Roz Morris's Undercover Soundtrack today. It's a fantastic series looking at how music has influenced the way a writer approaches their novel.

Being different, and not the author of a published novel yet, my post features the songs that inspired my short stories - each of my books gets a mention, so they don't feel left out.

I hope you enjoy reading more about me. I suggest making yourself a hot chocolate to drink while you read it, that's what I'm going to do!


  1. And of course it would fall on the day when I'm on a computer without speakers. (Mine is in the process of blowing up. *sigh*) Still, I'm headed over to check it out.

    1. I usually read posts with music and/or video in a room where other people will be disturbed and have to bookmark it to come back to when I'm alone.

      I hope your computer is repairable.

  2. Hi Annalisa .. well done and I bet it's different ... I'm off over now. I do have speakers ... cheers Hilary

    1. I couldn't manage Simple Song .. and I had to listen to the end to see what happened!! Cheers Hilary

    2. I replied on the other post too, Hilary, but I do agree Simple Song has a very strange video.

  3. too hot in TX for hot chocolate. I'll go with chilled chocolate milk, and shall hum along

    1. We'll have to meet up in a different state then - I've been drinking hot chocolate right the way through the summer, and it was pretty warm here this year :-)

  4. Hot chocolate does go well with reading. I find it interesting when writers find music to go with their stories. I tend to get stuck listening to the same thing over and over for months, though (currently Hamiliton: the American Musical). I'd have a hard time thinking of music to go with my writing.

    1. I do the same, listen to the same thing over and over. It's just so much easier to press play again rather than search for something new.

  5. I never really thought about how music can inspire short stories, but you're right; they can give writers ideas, especially if you think about it, a lot of songs are stories themselves. That is, in a way, they're stories set to music.

    1. Exactly. Sometimes it's not even the lyrics that give rise to the idea, but the music.

  6. Fetching chocolate. I only eat it in hot form if it's on a sundae! ;)

  7. Just headed over. Great review. I twittered.

    1. Thanks Sandra. I couldn't find you on Twitter, I tried to follow you, but I couldn't work out which one was you!

  8. HI Annalisa. I don't write to music. I like it quiet, but in a writing class once we had to write to music and I'm amazed at the difference the tracks made to our approach to the same emotion.

    1. Music can be very powerful in that respect, what an interesting challenge.

  9. Mmmm hot chocolate. Wonder if we have any in the house ...

    1. A house without hot chocolate... I thought they were just myths ;-)

  10. I've got a nice, hot cup of coffee ready to go. Not quite hot chocolate, but it'll do. Over to read your post!


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