Monday 26 November 2012

I'm not here...

I'm peering over the top of my NaNoWriMo project to say I'm over at Livia's blog - Leave it to Livia -today, talking about my love of films.

I'm still pretty much on target for 50k, although I've run out of words and the ending is rubbish. Maybe if I figured out the ending, I'd have enough words...

Hope you pop over and see me at Livia's.


  1. Good luck staying on track with NaNo! :D

  2. Read and enjoyed it over a nice cup of tea!

  3. I've already visited. Finally got your stories ordered and ready to download. I'm expecting a Kindle for Christmas, so I am getting my holiday fun lined up now!

  4. Hi Annalisa .. that's great .. keep on going ... just hope those floods don't stop you in your tracks .. popping over to Livia now - cheers Hilary

  5. Congrats on the excellent progress with NaNo. I hope you find your ending.

  6. It was nice having you over at my blog, Annalisa! It was a blast! Congrats on your NaNo word count! You can do it! :)

  7. keep plugging away. You'll probably surprised how good it really is. Almost there - you can do it

  8. Really enjoyed that post:) NaNo almost over. Hang in there!

  9. Well done with your Nano - keep going!

  10. Once again, a big comment to you all - because you're all being so very supportive. As of about half an hour ago, I am a NaNo winner. And all of you have helped me so much, just by believing I could do it even when I wasn't sure myself. I have never, never, ever written so much so quickly. It's proved to me that I really do procrastinate far too much and I could be a lot more productive if (actually, when) I put my mind to it. And I will put my mind to it! Thanks again - I have the best blog followers :-)


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