Friday 19 December 2014


When I first started blogging, I was given a couple of blog awards, including the Liebster. At the time, it had a badge and probably required me to tell you several interesting facts about myself.

Today, I am honoured to have been tagged by Rena Rocford on her Doctor Faerie Godmother blog. Thank you, Rena, I love an excuse to talk about myself.

The Liebster seems to have evolved now, though, as all things do - and now I have questions to answer about my WIP... I hope you're ready!

I am going to tell you about the WIP I'm getting ready to query, The Book of Abe. This is probably the fifth title this book has had, but I think this is the one that will stick.

What is your WIP About?
The Book of Abe is about a narcissist who tries to convince people he is the second coming. He's essentially a con-man, but over time he starts to convince himself until he can't distinguish fact from fiction. He believes he has the key to solving all the world's problems - all the wars, poverty and natural disasters. There are several people who get caught up in his nightmare, including a man in a coma, a woman who doesn't speak, and a man who draws all over his body.

How long have you been working your WIP?
I started it in 2009/10, but put it on hold while my novellas were spruced up and published. I came back to it at the beginning of this summer and wrote THE END about a week ago.

Who is your MC?
The MC is Abe, the narcissist. He grew up with a smothering mother who probably loved him too much, and he thinks the world owes him everything. He has a unique gift of persuasion, to the downfall of everyone around him.

What are some of the themes you’re exploring?
I'm not good at exploring big themes, so - as always - I've focussed on what makes people who they are, what makes them different from other people. How long would people sit back and watch something happen, even if they knew it was wrong?

What song would represent your story or MC?
Absolutely no idea!

If you were casting your story as a movie, who would play your main character?
Ooh, I think Andrew Scott would be great - especially with the deep intensity he play Moriarty in BBC's Sherlock.

What is your favourite line in your WIP so far?
Back, way back, before the internet changed the way we shop for bargains, before mobile phones replaced red phone boxes on every street corner, before Marathons became Snickers, a child was born.

This is the line that introduces Abe. I like it because it comes at the start of Part 2, and changes the whole feel of the book.

If your MC were to have a pet, what would it be?
A snake, maybe. Or a white fluffy cat that he could stroke in a Bond villain kind of way.

When do you think your WIP will be done?
It's finished right now. I'm currently waiting for one lovely lady to read it, and I'm writing the synopsis - it may take me longer than the book itself :-(

Who is your favourite side character in your WIP and why?
Elizabeth is a woman who doesn't speak. When she gets overwhelmed, she disappears into the walls (actually or metaphorically, you decide!), and she has a very special connection with Max - the guy in a coma - that she doesn't really understand. The other characters give her a back story - because she won't talk to them and tell them who she is - which is truly heartbreaking. I cried when I wrote it.

What’s your MC’s favorite food?
If Abe could live off whiskey, he would. In fact there is a part of the book where he tries to do just that. It doesn't end well - for him, for Elizabeth and the guy in the coma, for anyone at all, really.

And now I'm going to tag a few people... (and - because I'm being lazy - I'm going to copy Rena's lead and ask the taggees to answer the same questions that I did. Rena was tagged by Sarah Ahiers, so these are, by rights, her questions so I'm linking back to her too.)

Murees Dupe
M.J Joachim
Rebecca Bradley


  1. your book sounds intriguing. Glad you were Liebstered

    1. I'm glad it does, Joanne. Now, if only I can put the same level of intrigue into this synopsis :-)

  2. Congratulations on being Liebstered :)

  3. Congrats on finishing your book, Annalisa, and thanks for sharing this award with me. I saw it this morning and took the opportunity to respond right away. I'm only hoping I can get at least one more post complete for one of my other blogs, before my Internet goes capluey again. Talk to you soon, M. J.

    1. Fingers crossed your internet stays working for a little while longer, at least. I loved your post, especially all those badges!

  4. Hi Annalisa - congratulations on the award ... and a great name Liebstered ... Book of Abe sounds an interesting story .. cheers Hilary

  5. Thank you so much for your support the past week and for tagging me. Your manuscript sounds great, as always. I'm jealous of your brain. Have a wonderful Christmas!

    1. I'm just glad your dog is on the mend. Don't be too jealous of my brain, it's a hot mess from my point of view ;-)

  6. Sounds good, Annalisa!

  7. I love it! And I love Moriarty! He's one of my all time favorite villains.

    1. After I wrote that, I realised I'd given Abe a gangly body - so actually he's more like Andrew Scott with Benedict Cumberbatch's arms and legs :-)

  8. Your book sounds quite an achievement, and this was a fascinating look behind the scenes. Answering questions like that about your book - is it hard or does it bring it into sharper focus?

    1. It's actually quite hard to answer questions about all my books, but it's an interesting exercise. As always, though, I wonder whether my description makes it sound better than it is. I really need to work on my confidence!

  9. Like all your works, this sounds amazing!

    1. Thanks Gwen! I have my fingers crossed that the agents think that too :-)

  10. Interesting! And I like the idea of a story about a narcissist, especially because there are definitely plenty of people in society today who act as if they're the greatest people in the world; as a result, plenty of other readers can relate to the issue of what it's like to deal with those narcissists.

    1. Abe definitely takes it a few steps further than most of those people!

  11. Well done on finishing your manuscript... Love the opening line. Has me curious to keep reading:)

  12. Sounds fantastic! The white cat. Go with the white cat! Have a very merry Christmas! :)

  13. Oh, that means my whole last comment disappeared into the ether... I'll do it again.

    I think you under-sell yourself in not thinking you can do big themes. People sitting back and watching and not doing anything even though they know something is wrong is a pretty big theme.

    Congratulations on the well deserved award. And thank you for nominating me for it next.

    Merry Christmas Annalisa. Have a wonderful few days. I hope they are relaxing and joyous. xx

    1. Oh, I hate it when you type a reply and it vanishes! Thanks for the confidence boost :-)

      Merry Christmas to you too, and wishing you all the best with your debut novel!

  14. Merry Christmas, Annalisa! Was trying to comment on your most recent post but the 'comment' button seemed to have disappeared!


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