Thursday 21 November 2013

I've been writing...

Even though I'm not doing NaNo, I've been writing a lot this month. Until today I hit a bit of a roadblock because my notes - tucked inbetween the pages of my first draft - say 'some more drinking stuff', and although I know it made sense when I wrote it, I can't for the life of me remember what I meant! Today I have mostly been staring into space with my pen poised waiting for the drinking stuff to happen... Maybe I meant I should really be drinking more? Hmm, something to ponder.

And while I do that...

... here's a linked to a post I've written  over on Slashed Reads where I talk about all the Random Things I Search for on the Internet - ooh, that doesn't sound good at all, does it??

What's the most random thing you've searched for recently?


  1. I've had those kinds of notes myself. Sometimes it's just a matter of not being able to read my handwriting. Other times, I can read it fine but I have no idea what I actually meant. :)

    Just today, I looked up/double-checked the spelling of the word "makeup" for my post. Couldn't remember if there was a hyphen….

    1. Glad it's not just be who writes cryptic notes to myself! I'd probably make a terrible spy. I always hyphenate 'make-up'.

  2. The forgotten notes, aw yes, that can be annoying, Glad you're writing and Nano is a helping tool not a secret order for writers.

    1. It's weird how the internet goes awfully quiet in November isn't it?

  3. at least you have some random notes. I'm very bad about thinking of stuff at the worst time - in the middle of a freeway - and swearing to write down the most brilliant thought ever ...later. Later never seems to remember. Happy writing! and maybe a glass of wine can't hurt

    1. I lose a lot of notes too! I'm not sure there's a fail-safe solution... Voice mail, maybe?

  4. Funny! Don't you hate that?
    I searched Tuesday for a Dr. Who-Dr. Seuss t-shirt. That was rather random.

    1. Doctor Who searches are brilliant. I've spent a lot of time recently following Doctor Who links :-)

  5. That happens to me all the time if I let a WIP sit too long. Even the next morning - what does that say? I can't read my handwriting 1/2 the time.

    I searched whether Yerba is capitalized or not today and learned that it and mate mean the same thing.

    1. You'd think, after writing for so long, we'd have come up with a short-hand that at least WE could understand lol

      I have never heard of Yerba... I feel a Google search coming on :-)

  6. Lol! I hope you figure out your note! I hate when that happens.

    1. I've decided to write something different, which will no doubt be perfect, until I remember what I really wanted to write and realise it now doesn't fit. That sounds like the proper pantser way to do things!

  7. That's funny. I hate writing sex scenes, but they seem to naturally fit in places, so I think they should be there. Soooo...many of my first drafts will have spots that say, "Insert some hot lovin' here" and I will move on.

    1. But then I guess you have them all to write at once? :-/

  8. Sounds like you have some research ahead of you. Cheers! :) A lot of times I fill my work with things like that. I do a search for the word "stuff" because that's all I can think of at the time and I want to continue forward. Good luck, Annalisa!

    M.L. Swift, Writer

    1. Lol, But oh now I'm tempted to search for 'stuff'...

  9. Maybe you were referring to a scene where there were drinks when you made those notes. And I must admit that random Googling is something that takes up too much of my time. That's why today I ended up reading about a 25-year-old woman who claims that she's married to Charles Manson.

    1. I just wish I'd be a little more detailed about what ought to happen when these people were drinking! I love when searches take you to articles you'd never normally read about.

  10. I can't read some of my notes. I need to write slower.

    I'll check out the link.

    1. It's hard to write slowly when all those ideas are coming at once though, isn't it?

  11. Most of my notes don't make sense. I was probably having a glass of wine at the time! Even after finishing the novel I'm still finding notes - screeeeeam - scary!
    I'm not sure if I do random searches, but I do worry about my Internet history - especially information about guns and army bases - but I am neurotic.

    1. I end up making notes about my notes sometimes! That's when you know you've edited a step too far :-)

  12. The most random thing I've searched for recently was a Mr. Goodbar candy bar lol. True story. I was craving one last week and went to a bunch of stores and couldn't find one anywhere!

    1. Now that's the PERFECT use of the internet, Keith. Why do our favourite foods always go missing??

  13. glad you're writing. i'm doing nano and not at the same time, more of a way to encourage a writing friend. still, i'm at 21K in a new story. :)

    1. It's good to get your teeth into something new, isn't it? I just reached 23k on mine today - still haven't put in 'that' scene yet though.

  14. I love finding those weird notes that meant so much at the time but now are a complete blank. It makes you chuckle, once the frustration has worn off.

    1. I'm in the 'completely baffled' stage at the moment. I have the feeling it was a monumental scene, but now it's gone and I'll have to write something mediocre instead :-)

  15. Well, what I searched for five minutes ago was which languages are spoken in Belgium, though it was research for my novel rather than random!

    1. All of my searches are for novels... well, mostly, but they still appear random to the casual observer :-)

  16. I don't think I've search for anything too random lately—unless stuff about pregnancy counts!

    Good luck deciphering what you meant by your notes. That kind of thing happens to me all the time. ☺

    1. Depends what pregnancy stuff you're searching, Dana. If you've got stuck on pictures on belly painting, then you need to move slowly away from the screen :-)

  17. I really haven't been searching for anything lately unless it includes that pot at the end of the rainbow. I carry a small notebook at all times that I can write thoughts and ideas in and I now date each entry which has helped.

    1. The date! What a clever and simple idea. I find I sometimes forget to cross the idea out once I've used it, so I try to use it in another story!

  18. You're so funny! That note to yourself sounds like you'd already been knocked a few back when you wrote it. lol I used to keep a notebook by the bed so if I had any brilliant writing ideas, I could wake up and write them down. In the morning, I was like, "What does 'Magic from super popcorn' mean?" I gave up the notebook thing. Even when I could make sense of it, I found that things that are brilliant at 3 in the morning, are crap in the light of day... Good luck with randomness! :-)

  19. Sounds familiar. I suggest you drink more :)

  20. I searched to make sure the 1927 model-T pickup truck actually had a back window. It does.

    1. Oh yes, that's a detail you HAVE to get right - a reader would definitely tell you if you were wrong!

  21. Hi Annalisa .. sounds like drink some more coffee - to remember. I cannot remember anything really odd I searched for - but I'm sure I did!

    Happy weekend and here's to picking up your drinking thread again ... cheers Hilary

    1. I don't drink coffee at all, Hilary - perhaps that explains the forgetfulness!

  22. Hi Annalisa,

    I trawled the internet for "prawn". Prawn on the internet. What was I thinking. Anyway, I got pooped out searching.

    I shall now have some Canadian coffee and contemplate what you wrote :)

    Have a nice weekend.


    1. Lol Gary - internet prawn is definitely something to be avoided. Enjoy your coffee :-)

  23. I Googled myself and came up on the 2nd page.There are masses of Linda Kings, all doing cleverer things than me! Looking forward to your next book of stories - love the title!

    1. Thanks Linda - I'm looking forward to seeing it published, it's been a long time in the making, as with most of my books! I just Googled you too - I was curious :-)

  24. I think that note very possibly may have been meant for you Annalisa. There's always a point in a story when a drink is a good idea! ;)

  25. Enjoy the writing! I hope the words keeping flowing and maybe you should get a few drinks, after all, your notes do tell you so.

  26. Oh Annalisa, sounds like we're all in good company with our chicken scratch of random notes sometimes. I try to leave little notes here and there too. Sometimes they make sense later, sometimes... not so much!

  27. LOL I've had notes like this as well. And unfortunately I've been spending way too much time staring into space lately. That seems to be my default activity now.

  28. It always feels good to be writing again…woohoo for you!

  29. I think we're all staring into space right now. Don't worry it'll strike you like a lightning bolt! Good Luck.

  30. I've written myself that make no sense when I find them too. Maybe I should look them up on the internet?

  31. Yeah, I have whole notebooks full of weird stuff like that :) Occasionally I'll come across notes about a dream I once had, and its pretty much the strangest thing ever :)

    Sarah Allen
    (From Sarah, with Joy)

  32. I can relate... I jot down notes everywhere and days later I don't understand what I was talking about...hehe


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