Saturday 27 October 2012

NaNoWriMo Eve

As I've already mentioned on this blog, I'm participating in my first ever NaNoWriMo, and what's fantastic is so many of my blogger friends are doing it too - some for the first time, some have done it before and still signed up again! Most of these wonderful people are more prepared than me, so I thought I'd have a little run down of the progress I've made so far.

1) The Soundtrack. Yep, the first thing that happened after I decided to sign up was I listened to the album Tales of Grime and Grit by Ruarri Joseph, and suddenly my head was filled with a feeling. If you've followed my blog for a while, you'll be aware that I usually have a sense of my project before I have any of the details. This is the title track:

2) I came up with the title, which is... (drumroll)...

The Day That Nothing Happened

3) Then I woke up with the first line running around my head... (2nd drumroll)... Yesterday, something happened. (See what I did there?)

4) There's a man in a coma, somewhere - not sure who he is, or why he's in a coma, or what is going to happened to him, but he exists!

5) Erm, there is no 5. That's all I've got. But I'm not worried. I'm looking forward to it. Really.

This is my profile: please feel free to buddy me!

How are your preparations going?


  1. Exciting! I like your title and first line :) I created a pretty detailed outline for the first time (I am normally a pantser), and am looking forward to getting started. I am buddying you! My profile is allisoneb.

    Allison (Geek Banter)

    1. Yes, I can't wait to get started now. How easy was creating the outline if you don't usually do it?

    2. I actually took a month long course by an author on her method of plotting and plotted out this book during it. I didn't actually think I would learn anything (just took it to be held accountable so I would finish the outline), but I actually learned some fantastic techniques that I think I will be using to plot future novels as well. It was great!

    3. I think I'm a little too old to learn new things - old, but mostly stubborn :-)

  2. Great title. Good luck. NaNo is mad, but it can be fun too.

    I intended to prepare a bit for my NaNo project but that hasn't happened yet. Oh well.

  3. No Nano for me. The time constraint thing makes me feel like I'm wearing a straight jacket, but I love the motivation and inspiration it's providing so many. Love your concept too! I'm looking forward to reading more as you develop and begin this project.

    1. I hope to keep the blog updated - it'll be an interesting experiment, and I'm not actually expecting to get to 50k, just as far as I can. 50k is a LOT of words :-D

  4. I just added you to my buddy list! (I'm Erzebeth)

    At least, you have an idea. Last year, I started with nothing. This year, I have an outline. It's about five sentences long. Yep, I'm a pantser and proud to be!

    Good luck!

    1. Five sentences is a good start - beginning, middle, end... that's all you need :-)

  5. Hey, you can only be so prepared. Good luck!

    1. I've just got the box of chocolates to buy and I'll be totally ready :-)

  6. Good-luck! I know that you are going to do just amazing. Unfortunately I am not participating, but I will be around cheering on those of you who are participating. It sounds like you are already well on your way. Thank you for stopping by my blog the past few days. Your words have really made me feel better. It was just nice knowing that I could share my experiences with someone who was understanding. You are just fantastic, thank you.

    1. Thanks Murees, I'm glad I can do something small to make you smile. I hope everything is calm for you over the next few days (and weeks, obviously!)

  7. Annalisa,

    Love the title and first line connection. And high five from another pantster who has frequently started writing with a premise and very little else. Sometimes it ends well; sometimes it doesn't.

    I didn't plan on doing NaNo, although recent circumstances may cause me to start a new novel in November after all. I doubt I'll get 50k down in a month, though. Not with report cards and parent conferences going on.

    Why can't NaNo take place during a nice, calm month like July? :D

    1. Thanks Dianne. Good luck with your novel, especially with everything else going on!

  8. Good luck with Nano. I've never taken part myself but it sounds hectic but definitely fun and rewarding.

    1. I'll let you know how fun and rewarding I find it - or I might be cowering under a table hiding from my laptop by mid-month :-)

  9. Well, I have a bag of peanut butter cups so I think my preparations for NaNo are all done. I never start off with anything more than a name for the MC and a genre. It's worked out for me so far but this year worries me. Maybe I should get some more candy...

    1. Better to be safe than sorry, definitely go out and buy more candy :-)

  10. Sounds like November is shaping up to be quite interesting for you. Will be cool to see how the man in the coma fits in.

    1. The bizarre thing is, this isn't the first man in a coma I've written about this year... I'm not sure what that says about me!

  11. I would have no time to prepare, which is why I'm not doing it. One of these years...

    1. This is the first year I've thought about it seriously. I signed up before I had time to talk myself out of it!

  12. Hi AnnaLisa .. from last year I seem to remember half the blogging community were doing NANOWRIMO ... and the other half were bemused - or like me perhaps taking a blogging break too and eating chocolates!!

    Good luck is all I can say .. perhaps I'll consider it next year .. cheers and have lots of fun .. The Day That Nothing Happened .. is always tempting fate - is it the end of the world yet?!!!

    Cheers Hilary

  13. I'm so excited to see that you're participating this year! Seems like you've got a good bit of preparation done. I've done quite a bit more prep than I have in the past. Generally I use NaNoWriMo as a time to just write whatever comes to mind but I'd really like to have a useable manuscript this time around, not something that has to be completely re-written. I'm adding you as a Writing Buddy. :)

    1. I'm hoping for a usable MS too. Thanks for adding me as a buddy :-)

  14. Annalisa, I have an award for you over on my blog.

    1. Thanks Patsy, I'll pop over and check it out :-)

  15. NaNo scares me, so you must be very brave to tackle it. But at least you have a soundtrack to spur you on.
    Wishing you the best of luck on your NaNo adventure! :-D

  16. Hee hee, you have slightly more than I have for my NaNo attempt!

    1. I can't wait to get started, just itching for Thursday now!

  17. I've got a main character and the inkling of a plot. I'm getting nervous now. ;)

    1. I'm not nervous yet, I'll leave that until 28th/29th...

  18. This NanoWrimo sounds like a very good instrument of kicking away the laziness of the writer, so I shall be very interested to discover more about it. Your title is very intriguing indeed...but again you are always intriguing :).

  19. I kinda like that song ;) Thanks for sharing it here.

    I pretty much run screaming in the opposite direction when I see NaNo coming, but I do so admire any who are brave enough to take on the challenge. Have fun with it!

    1. Thanks Ruth. I spent a long time running, but this year felt different.

  20. Ruth and I are in a dead heat as we run the other direction. NaNo and I do not mix, but I love hearing about those who enter and actually put down 50,000 words in Nov.

    1. Lol! I'm not actually expecting to make the 50k. I know it's all about the numbers, but I'm not sure I can completely switch off my editor.

  21. Love the tunes! Sounds like a perfect story for NaNo. Take those words and go for it! Off to buddy you :)

    1. I'm hoping it gives me enough leeway to keep adding more characters and more situations... that's the plan anyway :-)

  22. It's my first year as well Annalisa. Unlike you, I can't have a sound track, I have to work in silence. I'm easily distracted.

    It starts tomorrow, wooohoooop! Good luck! We can do it :) x


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