Tuesday 14 August 2012

Happy Half Birthday to my novella!

Being well past the need to read children's books, I'd forgotten which literary character celebrates his half birthday - and I've also forgotten why I wanted to know - but anyway, I googled 'half birthdays' and discovered a whole industry of people selling half birthday paraphernalia.

But I didn't find the answer to my original question - I think it might be Pooh, or Paddington, does anyone know?

Apparently everyone is having half-birthdays these days - there are companies selling cards and badges and banners, and there are at least two children's books on Amazon about them! While I don't think I'll ever go down that road for myself (because 30-something-and-a-half doesn't really have the same ring to it - although I might try it when I reach 80) I thought my novella deserved it!

Happy Half Birthday "Cat and The Dreamer"

As Cat and The Dreamer is an ebook, it doesn't want much by way of presents (except maybe to be a real book, so I'm hiding its copy of Pinocchio right now!) but you'd make its day by trying to get #catandthedreamer trending on Twitter... just for the fun of it!

If you haven't read it, and you want to, just look at the left-hand side bar - there are plenty of links!

"The author skilfully interweaves real and imagined events, giving insight into the character's state of mind and her twisted perspective on life."  Zalick – Amazon review

"This novella is truly touching. I really felt for this girl. She is a real, three-dimensional character with real problems and emotions that can't be tied up in a neat little bow. I loved how beautifully written this story was and I definitely recommend it."  R.M. Schieffelbein – Amazon review

“Crawford’s writing fills the novella with immediacy that keeps you scrolling through pages, with a natral flow you can’t help but follow.”  Jennifer Johnson – Examiner.com

Here are a few people who share my novella's half birthday:
  • Simon Pegg, awesomely funny actor
  • Lois Maxwell, Miss Moneypenny herself
  • Christopher Sholes, inventor of the typewriter and the QWERTY keyboard - thank you, Mr Sholes!
  • Kevin Keegan, footballer and early crush... ah, that curly hair (and he managed Manchester City for a while - I was ecstatic that season!)

What great company my novella keeps!!
Is it your half birthday today too? Or even your full birthday?


  1. Lol, cool idea! Happy Half Birthday to Cat and the Dreamer - I hope you have many, many more sales leading up to your actual birthday! :D

  2. Six whole months!
    My first book's anniversary release date is in October. I'm celebrating those two years by featuring a special author whose book comes out on that very day. (How cool is that?)

    1. I'll look out for your celebration Alex, very cool!

  3. Half birthday? Seriously? Well, why not. :) Happy half-birthday to your novella!

    1. I've just watched the Friends episode where Phoebe is having the triplets - the doctor is a big Fonz fan, and states that she's having the babies on The Fonz's half birthday! So I'm not the only one :-)

  4. Happy half birthday, Cat & The Dreamer!

    Mine is a week from today. :)

  5. Does your book get half a cake and half a candle? :)

    1. Yep - half the cake for it, half the cake for me... Yum yum... oh wait, the book doesn't like cake, shame to waste it, more for me... yum yum yum... Yes, this is just a big excuse for cake! :-D

  6. Happy half-birthday, Cat & The Dreamer!

    My son's half-birthday (5.5) will be next Tuesday, which is also my husband's birthday, and my birthday is this Sunday. :)

  7. my birthday is on Christmas. i celebrate a half-birthday for myself in June. congrats on your book being "alive" for half a year.

    1. Christmas Day? That's tough - I'm glad to hear you celebrate in June as well!

    2. gosh, i just realized my own book will be 5 on Aug. 24th. maybe i should celebrate.

    3. There's always a reason to celebrate Michelle! :-)

  8. Happy half birthday!! I guess my first novel came out in December, so I missed my half birthday. Oh well. I'll celebrate with you. :) I wish you many, many sells!!!

    1. Thanks Ciara. I suppose it's a bit silly to celebrate a three-quarter birthday?

  9. September would be my half birthday, which it isn't, but I'm here anyway, so happy half birthday anyway!!!

    1. Well, now you know what to do in September - celebrate away! Any excuse :-)

  10. I have never heard of half birthdays. I wonder if I have a half birthday this year and a half birthday next year can I wait till then to gain a year? Just kidding. Will have to google it! Enjoyed reading your posting!

    1. Or you could use my method of waking up on my birthday and shouting "NO!" - that usually scares the extra year away! :-)

  11. Happy half birthday, Cat & the Dreamer! I think half birthdays are great. Can never have too many reasons to celebrate ;)

    1. Exactly, everything should be celebrated! Thanks Ruth :-)

  12. Happy half birthday! Crazy to think your book baby was born six months ago :)

    1. After years of imagining how it would feel to have a book 'out there', it's been a quite, slow burn kind of feeling. I'm definitely not as tired as I was with my real babies!

  13. Oh, Happy Half-Birthday to Cat and The Dreamer. I haven't seen any half-birthday paraphernalia, but I am seeing "Birthday Month" trending. I don't know how people afford a birthday month, but I guess the young adults who are doing it are having some big time fun:)

    1. Google half-birthday and you'll be amazed... well, mildly curious. As for birthday months! Wow, I wish I'd thought of that. When I was at school, we'd stretch our birthdays out for a week, and even then we thought we were pushing it!

  14. Happy Half Birthday Cat & Dreamer! Well deserved indeed. A friend of mine just confessed that he still celebrates his 1/2 birthday - and he's 26! Whoops, 26 and a half.

  15. 182 days and 12 hours? :) Congrats!!

    1. I confess that the 12 hours didn't actually appear in my calculations. I was never that good at maths :-)

    2. Happy (belated) half birthday Cat and the Dreamer.

  16. Happy half birthday! Congratulations!

  17. Happy half birthday for your creation. You must be so proud Annalisa. We seem to be about the same age...me and you...thirty something and a half :). Kisses, you are very dear to me.

    1. Aw thanks! Although I do plan to stay thirty-something for as long as I cn get away with it :-)

  18. Happy half birthday to your book! Congrats. I'm a new follower so pleased to *meet* you.

    1. Hi Suzanne, thanks for the follow. Nice to meet you too, will pop over to your blog in a second!

  19. Happy 1/2 birthday! They are very important, especially to those so young. Though, I really only paid attention to mine because my cousin was born on it.

    1. Thanks Gwen! At least you'll never forget your cousin's birthday!

  20. Happy half birthday to Cat and the Dreamer! That has gone so fast!

    I also think it was Pooh or Paddington, but can't remember which :)

  21. ooh, I'm getting ahead of myself. I've already wished you a happy half birthday! Oh well, here's to celebrating :)

    1. I thought you'd commented before - it probably my fault for not posting anything new all week, the days slipped away from me!

      I'd narrowed it down to Pooh or Paddington too.

  22. I don't have the energy to figure out my half birthday, LOL! I think it passed in the spring.

    Happy half birthday to your book! I vote for it being Pooh who celebrates his half birthday, but am not positive.

    1. I typed 'Bear' and 'half birthday' into Google, and so many other things unrelated to bears appeared. But thanks Shannon, I'm just going to assume it's Pooh :-)

  23. Hi Annalisa .. what a great post - at just the right time ..I'll link back here when I post about a little girl who said she was 7 5/4!!! When I write my review on her thoughts on the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe .. that I reviewed earlier ... this sounds so much fun .. cheers Hilary


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