Tuesday 24 January 2012

Liebster Award

The lovely ladies at Thinking Through Our Fingers have awarded me with the Liebster Award! Thank you so much. This is actually the third time I've had this award, but I've made lots of new bloggy friends, so I'm going to pass on the award to five people that I haven't awarded in the past. The people I nominate need to have less than 200 followers.

Rek at A Chronicle of Dreams who pops around with great advice, and has the most beautiful blog.

Rachel at Writing on the Wall who has four children and a day job AND still finds time to write and blog.

Marta Szemik's Blog who seems to know just what to say!

Erm... I think most of the other bloggers I'd nominate have either got more than 200 followers, or I've given them an award in the past. So, because I've got myself all confused going backwards and forwards through their blogs and my posts - and because my hand is starting to seize up after some heavy duty indoor rowing earlier - I'm going to stop at three. Enjoy!


  1. Congratulations on your triple award!

  2. Congratulations!
    And thank you so much, Annalisa! This is so sweet, thanks for thinking of me. :)

  3. Thanks Annalisa! I think that's my second one :)
    Glad to hear you tried the video.

    1. You're welcome. Yeah, the video stuff was fun. I'm starting to have ideas!

  4. Congratulations!
    Indoor rowing? Do you have a lake in your house? Take pictures, because that's cook.

    1. Wouldn't that be great? But, alas no. However you've reminded me of a story in Mick Jackson's collection, Ten Sorry Tales. It's about a man who builds a rowing boat in his cellar. Great story, great collection - highly recommended.

  5. Congrats on your award and very sweet of you to share it with me. I haven't been around for two weeks now, down with a chest infection. Indoor rowing, I wish I had space for heavy duty gym equipment.

    1. You're welcome Rek. The rowing machine was at the gym, not at home - I can guarantee that if it was at home, it would be used to store clothes!

  6. Congratulations on your award, and Alex' comment just cracked me up :-)

  7. Congrats on getting awarded again! By indoor rowing do you mean erging? I give you lot of credit for that, I suck at it.

    1. Yes, erging. I'm doing a challenge at the gym - different ones each month until May. This month, I'm supposed to be rowing for 30mins...

  8. Congratulations! I loved Marta's video. Are going to submit one too? I hope so.

    See my guest post at Breakthrough Blogs

    1. After seeing Marta's, I don't think I could! I only just discovered the Movie Maker programme, after reading about it on her blog and playing around with it. I can see the possibilities, but probably need more practise.

  9. Congratulations on the award Annalisa. Very well deserved. I will pop over to the three recommended blogs now. :)

  10. That was so cute! I would get confused too. In fact, it's sweet to get an award, but I can't manage it all very well, so I just say thank you and leave it at that! I've taken to periodically highlighting other blogs. You totally deserve an award, so I hereby give you The Totally Deserving Blog Award! And you don't have to do a thing with it! xo

    1. Aw thanks, Melissa, for thinking me totally deserving :-)


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